Welcome to Nursery
Nursery Purpose built Nursery 30 am and 30 pm 8 two year olds in both sessions
Staffing Staff fully qualified and highly experienced Mrs Abbott - Nursery teacher Mrs Begg- Nursery teacher (2 year old provision) Mrs Begg Mrs Abbott
Mrs Hunt Mrs Simpson Miss Brown Miss Khan
Early Years Foundation Stage What is the Early Years Foundation Stage? Continuous provision, Focused activities, and enhanced provision Key person system
What will your child learn? Main aim happy, safe and having fun Build relationships and develop social skills Speaking and listening skills Confidence Interest and motivation Basic skills Topics include- animals, colours, nursery rhymes, transport. Follow children’s needs and interests
A typical Nursery session Children welcomed to Nursery Select independent activities Carpet Time Play inside and out, focused activities, snack Tidy up Key Person Time
Session times and attendance Nursery opens at 8.45am/12.15pm Prompt arrival Nursery closes at 11.45pm/3.15pm Children should be collected at 11.30 and 3.00pm Late collections- written warning then loss of place Absences
Clothing and Outdoor play Clothes suitable for paint/ messy activities School jumpers can be worn Sensible shoes Sun hat/suncream Warm/waterproof coat and wellies
Other information Snack 50p per week (Monday) Fresh fruit, healthy snack i.e. bread stick, cereal, toast, milk and water Learning journeys Reading wallets £3.00 from main office
Parents We value your support and like to see you in Nursery Stay and play sessions. Weekly newsletters If you have any concerns please bring them to us, no matter how small they may seem
Settling into Nursery Children will settle at own rate Stay and settle your child If children are very distressed parents will be contacted Shorter sessions to begin
What happens now? Staggered intake in September Birth certificate/ passport Collect your Nursery welcome pack before you leave Nursery home visits for children joining 2 year old provision