Immigration Reform Amanda Williams Madelynn Montoya Andrew Davis State Governments Immigration Reform Amanda Williams Madelynn Montoya Andrew Davis
California California Proposition 187 (1994) To prohibit illegal immigrants from using social services, healthcare, and public education in California Initially passed by voters, and later overturned by the federal court California AB 335 (Signed 10/14/2007) This law prohibits an alien who does not verify his or her “eligible alien status” from receiving temporary homeless relief shelter.
California Main Issue: economic and fiscal impact due to immigration California Regional Economies Project 1 in 4 California residents are foreign born 7% of those are undocumented Immigration provides net economic benefits and negative fiscal impact Many immigrants hope for a better education for their children, but it becomes a larger burden to tax payers
Arizona In 2004, voters passed Proposition 200 Requires that in order to vote, residents must present proof of U.S. citizenship Applicants for certain public benefits must be verified as being lawfully present in the U.S. Requires state and local agencies to report to U.S. immigration authorities benefits applicants who fail to prove they are lawfully present In 2006, voters passed Proposition 300 Makes anyone without lawful immigration status ineligible to be classified as an in-state student for purposes of tuition, grants, scholarship assistance, and financial aid Restricts access to family literacy programs, adult education courses, and child care subsidies for undocumented immigrants
Arizona Continued… Proposition 103 Voters passed three additional anti-immigrant propositions and one “English only” proposition on Nov.7, 2006 Proposition 100 Denies bail for any person charges with a serious felony offense is the person charged entered or remained in the U.S. illegally Proposition 102 Prohibits a person who wins a civil lawsuit from receiving punitive damages if the person is present in the state in violation of immigration law Proposition 103 Require that “to the greatest extent possible,” official actions, services, programs, publications, documents, and materials be provided in English
Texas Texas has the highest number of criminal immigration cases than any of the other border districts. Approximately 240,000 illegal sex offenders Cost of illegal immigration to Texas taxpayers Health Care - $573 million Education – $3.746 billion Criminal Justice - $190 million Total cost burden - $4.5 billion House Bill 47 (2008) Requiring voter identification at the voting booth so that non citizens cannot vote House Bill 48 Creates penalties for employing illegal immigrants House Bill 49 Allows law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants House Bill 50 Stipulates that illegal aliens are not eligible for in-state tuition at state universities
Colorado Two referendums approved by voters on Nov.7, 2006 Referendum H Provides for punishing Colorado employers who hire unauthorized workers by prohibiting them from deducting wages paid to unauthorized workers as a business expense Religious groups, immigrant advocacy groups, and others opposed the measure Referendum K Requires the state of Colorado to sue the federal government to demand enforcement of existing federal immigration laws Courts ruled that they have no legal authority to settle what is essentially a political question regarding how much federal funding should go to the states to pay for federal mandates