QUESTION When catastrophes occur, do humans want something ––or someone––to blame? ––If so, why? 5
Primary Source EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PLAGUE “Into the distinguished city of Florence, more noble than any other Italian City, there came the deadly pestilence. It started in the East, either because of the influence of the heavenly bodies or because of God’s just wrath as a punishment to mortals for out wicked sins…”
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PLAGUE II “The works of the physicians Hippocrates and Galen, written centuries earlier, were the mainstay of both Christian and Muslim medical education of the time. Both held that disease was produced and spread by corruption of the air. Similarly, the idea that events in the heavens, such as the movements of the planets, influenced what happened on earth was a well-established and accepted medieval belief.”
Black Death ULTIMATE CAUSE “We now know that the Black Death was caused by a bacillus, Yersinia pestis…” “Yersenia pestis reproduces extremely fast. Half a dozen plague bacilli on a host will multiply to several thousand in one day and to some hundred million within two days”
Handout The Flagellants and the Persecution of the Jews
TOOL #1: Start with a question or controversial statement
For Instance QUESTION: How many of you have ever been afraid of getting sick from a family member? Raise your hands…
For Instance: CONTROVERSIAL STATEMENT What you’re doing right now could kill you Sitting in chairs versus standing and walking around
TOOL #2 Tell a personal story that relates to your subject I remember when my grandmother got pneumonia…and how scared they were to bring me around her...for fear that she would get sicker from my germs...
FOR INSTANCE PERSONAL STORY: I remember when I was younger my grandmother caught pneumonia…
TOOL #3 List of three There are three things you need to know about the black death: 1. 2. 3.
For Instance LIST OF THREE If there are three things I want you to take away from my presentation, they are: 1. wash your hands constantly 2. if you feel sick ––even a little bit––consult your doctor immediately 3. Drink as much water as possible, but try to make sure it’s filtered
For Instance If there are three things you should know about keeping your pet healthy, they are 1. feed it lots of food and water 2. give it lots of exercise 3. hug it at least 3 times a day
Presentation on Presentations Start with a question or a controversial statement Imagine getting sick just from breathing the same air as them… Personal anecdote When I was a kid I came down with pneumonia… Three things There are three things I want you to take away from this presentation…
Write Down a Question Pull out a piece of paper and write down a question (about the black death) and fold it up
Groups of 4
Mini Presentations Groups of 4 Materials: Laptop Power point Requirements: Topic of Choice from Black Death 3-5 minutes Question Personal statement Three things
List of Possible Topics Medieval medicine Role of the church Role of the nobles Persecution of Jews Astrology The bubonic plague Fear of contagion Seeking absolution Etc
WASH YOUR HANDS! What is this?
Pragmatics and Psychology Does a “positive” attitude help in preventing illness and disease? Or are pragmatics, such as careful attention to hygiene the true preventative measure Or can it be both? Write Discuss Share