The X Component Designers: Brianna Cooper Zachary Jeppesen Alexandar Merritt Andrew Willis
Design Materials -Wood -PVC -Bucket - Rubber Hose - Tape, funnel, nails, bb 3 Stages 1) Stair Case -Height 17in: 9 stairs 2) Bucket Loop -Spiral -Height12in 3 ) Finale -Drop into 2 loops -Height 29in Total Height = 58in
Energy Staircase - Begins PE KE -gains KE on way down stairs Bucket Loop - Funnel Entry: Object contains both PE and KE - PE is converted to KE as it travel down the bucket - Gains Speed Finale - Leaving Bucket object has high KE - Object travel through loop and transfers energy to PE
Obstacles Brain Storming Idea - Simplify into one Restraints - 0.5 X 0.5 meter box - Can’t just spiral Time -15 seconds -Working time Construction - New Problems Occur -Find right materials -Use what was available “Make it work”
Conclusion Team Work -Cooperation -Even work load - Total Hours = 8 Trial and Error -Many tests -Used to find problems - Consistency It WORKED!!