COEN 421- Embedded System and Software Design Lab Proposal Nov. 26, 2009 Samar Abdi Electrical and Computer Engineering Concordia University, Montreal
Experimental Setup I/O Board Soft PPC D/A A/D SRAM/Flash BRAM sensor I/O Board JTAG actuator Xilinx Board Development on EDK Quanser 3-DOF Helicopter Soft PPC OPB D/A A/D SRAM/Flash FPGA BRAM
Design Challenge and Learning Goals Autopilot implementation on an embedded platform Control application code is given Flight path is given as a set of 3-D co-ordinates Read position, pitch, yaw and roll from sensor Processing to determine next pitch, yaw, and roll for desired position Send actuation data to L/R motors What will the students learn? Multi-threaded programming of embedded processor using RTOS I/O with peripherals such as buffers, A/D and D/A converters Execution time measurement for embedded processing Building in safety using watch-dog timers and exception handling Fault-tolerance using redundant processors How to design a complete real-time embedded system for a safety-critical avionic application
Tentative Lab Assignments Lab 1: Multi-tasking Create independent tasks for data processing, data display, I/O management (using files with simulated data) Synchronization and communication between tasks using mutexes and Lab 2: I/O design Create high-level drivers for A/D and D/A converters Use BRAMs as high-speed memory for buffering data Lab 3: Real-time measurement Execution time measurement of tasks Response time measurement of target Lab 4: Error detection and recovery Creating watchdog timers Throwing exceptions for data error or timing error and exception handling Lab 5: Fault tolerance Replicating system with redundant soft processor on FPGA Measuring response to hardware faults