Disposal of used lead batteries and accumulators Elena Bodíková EIB Consult, s.r.o. Bratislava
Guidelines for ESM of used lead B&A Chapter 9
Situation in EU Ban on disposal of used B&A on landfills and by incineration Residues of any batteries and accumulators that have undergone both treatment and recycling may be disposed of in landfills or by incineration, when no viable end market is available
Landfilling of residues On landfilles designed and approved to landfill hazardous wastes authorised by state authorities (Regional Districts or Ministry of Environmental Affairs)
Requirements of landfill location secure distance from the boundary of the future landfill site to residential and recreation areas, waterways, water bodies and water sources, geological, hydrological, hydrogeological and mechanical-geological conditions in the vicinity, the protection of nature, landscape and cultural heritage in the vicinity, the acceptable burden on the territory, possible extreme meteorological effects and their impacts, conclusions from the environmental impact assessment (EIA) study
Requirements of landfill location
Requirements of landfill operation an information board, an approach road to the landfill and paved carriageways at the landfill site, a fence and lockable gates,
Requirements of landfill operation a weighing-machine, operating premises containing all the necessary equipment, fire extinguisher, a sealing system,
Requirements of landfill operation a drainage system for landfill gas and an installation for its use or disposal, except for landfills for wastes where landfill gas is not likely to originate, a landfill gas monitoring system, except for landfills for wastes where landfill gas is not likely to originate,
Requirements of landfill operation a drainage system with a leachate collection tank, a groundwater monitoring system a drainage system for surface water,
Requirements of landfill operation an installation for cleaning vehicles, other installations necessary for operation of the landfill.
Requirements of landfill operation At the landfill site waste shall be deposited in layers 0.3 to 0.5 m thick, which are then compacted; the working layer after compacting shall be no more than 2.0 m thick. Waste shall be compacted no later than the day following its dumping unless provided otherwise.
Requirements of landfill operation The first layer of waste shall be deposited at the bottom of the landfill in such a way as not to damage the sealing and drainage systems of the landfill; the first layer of deposited waste may only be compacted if it is 2 m thick; the first layer may not contain waste which could damage the base of the landfill. There shall be a suitable peripheral drainage system of suitable dimensions for the drainage of surface water from the vicinity of the landfill.
Requirements of landfill operation Appropriate measures shall be taken at any landfill in order to control leachate and manage the leachate regime providing in particular for control of water from precipitations entering into the landfill body, prevention of surface water and groundwater from entering into the landfill waste, drainage and collection of leachate, the treatment of leachate collected from the landfill in order to comply with discharge values into the sewerage system or recipient or transport of the leachate to a suitable sewage treatment plant.
Underground long-term storage for hazardous wastes closed salt- or potash-mines in appropriate containers
Accepting waste for disposal Waste may only be accepted at a landfill or a long-term storage if the waste holder presents to the operator of the landfill or a long-term storage with each delivery of waste document on quantity and type of waste delivered, a consignment note and identification notes for hazardous wastes, details about the characteristics and composition of waste in the form of report on analytical control of wastes.
Accepting waste for disposal At the time of delivery of the verification must be done: control whether the required waste documentation is complete and correct, verification of the data, and other conditions agreed for waste acceptance, control of quantity of waste delivered, visual inspection of waste delivery in order to verify declared information concerning origin, characteristics and composition of waste, ensuring controlled random sampling of waste and tests and analyses of waste in order to verify given information about origin, characteristics and composition of waste and recording accepted
Thank you for your attention Ing. Elena Bodíková, PhD. EIB Consult, s.r.o. Ivana Bukovčana 26 841 08 Bratislava mobil: +421 904 128 130 elena.bodikova@eibconsult.sk www.eibconsult.sk