Flavour Physics in the Era of the LHC


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Presentation transcript:

Flavour Physics in the Era of the LHC Franz Muheim University of Edinburgh ATLAS Thanks to collaborators in “Flavour in the LHC era” workshop Cosenors Forum Heavy Flavour Physics 21/22 June 2007

Outline Introduction and Motivation Standard Model: CKM mechanism Direct and Indirect New Physics Probes New Physics searches in flavour sector Bd mixing, hadronic bs transitions, bs, D0 mixing, Bs mixing Flavour Physics at the LHC LHC, LHCb, ATLAS and CMS Bs system, CKM angles, rare decays SuperLHCb and Super Flavour Factories Plans Conclusions Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Five Meetings at CERN: - 3 days each Nov 05, Feb 06, May 06, Oct 06, Mar 07 - O(250) participants, ~400 talks 3 Working Groups: - Flavour in High Pt interactions - B/D/K Decays - Flavour in Leptons sector (incl. edm, g-2) Goals: - Establish flavour physics programme for next decade - Complementarity between high Pt and B/D/K decays for discovery and exploration of BSM Physics 1st Draft of report ~500 pages -> Yellow Report http://flavlhc.web.cern.ch/flavlhc Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Motivation for Flavour Physics Big Bang produced equal amounts of matter and antimatter Protons & antiprotons annihilated within 1 ms after Big Bang Why is our Universe matter dominated? Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

CKM Unitarity Triangle Status of FPCP 2007 UT Sides |Vub|, |Vtd| |Vcb| Experimentally very well measured Accuracy limited by theory UT Angles , , and  CP violating asymmetries Accuracy limited by experiment Measurements consistent with SM predictions ≠0 => CPV established in B and K mesons CKM mechanism is dominant source of CPV in quark sector New Physics (NP) would appear as “corrections” Nir Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Standard Model CPV is required for Universe to look like this not that SM is low-energy limit SM fails does not explain baryogenesis does not explain neutrino mass has no dark matter candidate 23% of universe is dark matter No unification of strong and electroweak interaction possible Does not include gravity Hierarchy problem Higgs mass unstable wrt to large quantum corrections What is the energy scale of New Physics? not that Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

New Dawn of Particle Physics Direct Searches at ATLAS, CMS, Tevatron Supersymmetry, Extra Dimensions, Black Holes, Little Higgs, New Gauge Bosons, … Indirect Searches CPV and rare decays of Heavy Flavour Lepton Flavour Violation e, y g-2 (muon), EDM (neutron & electron) Neutrinos: flavour mixing, mass hierarchy, CP violation Race for discovering New Physics has started ATLAS and CMS need a friend Flavour Physics Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Flavour Structure Gino Isidori March 2007 F. Muheim Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Probing New Physics in Bd Mesons Tree diagrams Not sensitive to New Physics Probe New Physics Example: Vub and sin2 Use data from tree mediated diagrams to make SM prediction for UT apex (,) Compare above with measurements of apex (,) or ,  and  in loop diagrams Loop Diagrams Sensitive to New Physics Indirect measurements sin2  = 0.764  0.039 All results Direct measurement sin2  = 0.675  0.026 Probes NP in Bd mixing Is Discrepancy (>2) Statistics? Inclusive Vub extraction? NP in NP in Bd mixing? 2 eff  2  + 2 NP g (tree) Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Probing New Physics in Bs Mesons Flavour Changing Neutral Currents Suppressed in Standard Model New Physics appears as virtual particles in loop processes leading to observable deviations from SM expectations in flavour physics and CP violation ( ) Role of Flavour Physics in LHC era If New Physics is found establish NP flavour structure If no New Physics is found probe NP at higher energies scales Bs   penguin decay Bs-Bs oscillations – Supersymmetry Standard Model New Physics s ? ? Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Probing New Physics in bs Experiment BR(bs)=(3.55±0.26)x10-4 Theory BR(bs )=(3.15±0.23)x10-4 Misiak et. al, hep-ph/0609232 Limit on H+ mass >295 GeV at 95% CL for tan > 2 plot shows central Values & ±1 bands Flavour Physics Severely constrains NP models + B(bsg) in 2 Higgs Doublet Model with tanb=2 experiment SM theory Excluded Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

NP Limits from B+ → t+n rH=1.130.51 Evidence Belle result excludes M(H+) < 100, 130 < M(H+) < 190 GeV (at tan  = 30) Use known fB and |Vub | Ratio to the SM BF. rH=1.130.51 Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

bs Transitions in Bd Mesons CPV asymmetry sin2 Expected to be same in sin2eff Measurements Results for all modes in agreement with SM But all measurements lower than sin2 from Bd→ J/KS Average sin2eff = 0.52 0.05 2.6  discrepancy to SM More data required Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Squark Mass Matrix (d sector) Flavour structure: SuperB, LHCb Mass spectrum: LHC, ILC Flavour mixing parametrization b g s (23), b g d (13) Off diagonal terms can provide unique information on CP phases Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Evidence for D0 Mixing hep-ex/0703020 3.9  K. Flood at Moriond EW 2007 3.9  Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

D0 Mixing Expected Sensitivities CP violation in charm From draft of Yellow Report CP violation in charm Holy grail Establishes Non-MFV new physics Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Bs Meson Mixing Bs Mass difference ms First ms measurement SM Prediction ms = 20  7 ps-1 Measure fast Bs anti-Bs oscillations First ms measurement 2006 at Tevatron CDF (5.4 ) D0 – Double-sided 90% CL 17 ps-1 < ms < 21 ps-1 Need theory (Lattice QCD) to reduce error on SM prediction Smaller errors on ratio CDF at Tevatron Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 242003 (2006) Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 061802 (2006) Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Large Hadron Collider LHC ATLAS Flavour physics programme LHCb dedicated for precision measurements of CP violation and rare decays in B hadrons ATLAS/CMS optimized for high-pT discovery physics Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

B Physics at Hadron Colliders Large b quark production cross section For Tevatron > 1000 times e+e- B-factories For LHC s ≈ 500 b  about 105 to 106 bb pairs/s All b-hadron species Bu+, Bd0, Bs0, b-Baryons Large b-hadron boost <L> ~ 7 mm at LHC ~ 3mm at Fermilab secondary vertices well separated Low b Purity bb/inel = 0.6% at LHC Trigger is a challenge Event topology Additional particles not associated Multiple interactions at high luminosities Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Three sectors completed LHC Status LHC tunnel Magnets 1250 Dipole Magnets 4500 total Commissioning progressing well Repair of triplet progressing Cool down of Sector 7- 8 At 1.8 K since 4 weeks Engineering Run 2007 Cancelled Sector test planned in Dec 2007 Physics Run in 2008 Collisions at 7+7 TeV Machine closure end of March 2008 Three sectors completed Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

LHC Schedule Draft Courtesy Sylvain Weisz F. Muheim Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Luminosities at LHC Design Parameters ATLAS/CMS LHCb 40 MHz pp interaction rate Starting luminosity L = 1032 to 1033 cm-2s-1 Design luminosity L = 103 cm-2s-1 in 2010 ATLAS/CMS run at highest available luminosity expect L ~1033 cm–2s–1 for first 3 years Flavour physics in first 3 years LHCb Luminosity tuneable by adjusting beam focus Design is to run at L ~ 21032 cm–2s–1 detectors up to 51032 cm–2s–1 little pile-up (n = 0.5) Luminosity will be available for 1st physics run 2008 ~2.5 fb–1 2009-2011 10 fb–1 /year 30 fb–1 total @ low L 2008 ~ 0.5 fb–1 2009-2013 2 fb–1 / year 10 fb–1 in 5 years Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

LHCb Experiment Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

LHC(b) B-Physics Programme  g ~Vub* ~Vtd ~Vts g b a ~Vub* ~Vtd ~Vcb g-2 g and g VtdVtb + VcdVcb + VudVub = 0 VtdVud + VtsVus + VtbVub = 0 Rare decays - very sensitive to NP Radiative penguin e.g. Bd  K* g, Bs  g Electroweak penguin e.g. Bd  K*0 m+m- Gluonic penguin e.g. Bs  , Bd  Ks Rare box diagram e.g. Bs m+m- B production, Bc , b-baryon physics Charm decays Tau Lepton flavour violation Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Bs Mixing Phase fs from Bs J/ CP Violation in Bs mesons Interference in Bs mixing and decay equivalent of “sin2b“ for Bs mesons SM prediction for CPV asymmetry is very small Bs weak mixing phase s s = 2arg(Vts*Vtb) = -2 ≈ –0.035 Bs mixing phase s Almost unconstrained from data Very sensitive probe for New Physics If large value observed clear signal for Non-Minimal Flavour Violation Illustration of CPV: toy-modeling LHCb data with s = -0.2 (i.e. 5SM) events tagged as Bs Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

fs from Bs J/ Analysis Method s Sensitivity B  VV mode Angular analysis to separate 2 CP-even and 1 CP-odd amplitudes of final state Fit for sin s, s and CP-odd fraction (use external ms ) s Sensitivity studied at ms = 20 ps–1 Expect 131k Bs J/ signal events per 2 fb–1 (1 year) Expected precision (sin s) ~ 0.023 2 fb–1 (sin s) ~ 0.042 0.5 fb–1 CDF 2006 ms hep-ph/0604112 hep-ph/0509242 LHCb 2 fb-1 Bs J/ Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Little Higgs Model with T Parity Weak mixing phase fS Very sensitive to New Physics models Little Higgs Model consistent with measurement in parameter space where large fS is predicted & DMS is found smaller than in the SM. Predicts significant enhancements for fS and semileptonic asymmetry ASL(S) relative to the SM values LHT SM Blanke & Buras [hep-ph/0703117] fS Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

bs Transitions in Bs  CPV asymmetry s SM prediction expected to be close to zero in Bs and BsJ/ Bs hadronic penguin decay Expect different NP contributions in Bs hadronic penguin decay compared to tree decay BsJ/ Excellent probe for New Physics Measurement of s () ≠ 0 would be clear signal for NP beyond SM (NMFV) s () Sensitivity for LHCb Best bs penguin mode for LHCb Expect 4 k Bs events per 2 fb–1 (1 year) Estimated precision (s ()) ~ 0.10 (0.04 in 10 fb–1) 3 Penguin Tree New Physics? Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

g from B+  D0K+ Colour allowed Colour suppressed “ADS+GLW” strategy: Measure the relative rates of B–  DK– and B+  DK+ decays with neutral D’s observed in final states such as: K–+ and K+–, K–+–+ and K+–+–, K+K– Dependencies Relative magnitude, weak phase and strong phase in B–  D0K– and B–  antiD0K– Relative magnitudes and strong phases between D0  K–+ and anti-D0  K–+, and D0  K–+–+ and anti-D0  K–+–+ Can solve for all unknowns, including the weak phase : Sensitivity () ~ 5-15º with 2 fb–1 Combine with many other similar methods, e.g. Dalitz () ~ 5º with 2 fb–1 today  = 61+38-25° () ~ 3º with 10 fb–1 Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

B0  K*0m+m- Flavour Changing Neutral Current Decay AFB(s), theory BR ~1.210–6 Forward-backward asymmetry AFB(s) in the  rest-frame is sensitive NP probe Predicted zero of AFB(s) depends on Wilson coefficients C7eff/C9eff s = (m)2 [GeV2] AFB(s), theory AFB(s), fast MC, 2 fb–1 s = (m)2 [GeV2] Sensitivity 7.7k signal events/2fb–1, Bbb/S = 0.4 ± 0.1 After 10 fb–1: zero of AFB(s) located to ±0.28 GeV2 determine C7eff/C9eff with 7% stat error BR has been measured by BABAR+BELLE: 1.22 +0.38-0.32 x 10-6 Non resonant events could perhaps be treated as signal under certain conditions … Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

B0 K*0m+m- Angular Distributions Matias hep-ph/0612166 Transversity amplitudes Longitudinal polarisation FL Asymmetry AT(2) Study for 2 fb-1 SUSY 1 SM NLO SUSY II Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Probing NP with Bs→m+m- Very rare FCNC decay in SM low uncertainty BR(Bs→μ+μ-) = (3.5 ± 0.9)  10–9 Very sensitive NP probe NP models, e.g. multiple Higgs doublets and large tan  enhance rate Type II 2HDM rate ~ tan4  MSSM Minimal Flavor Violation (MFV) squark loops increase enhancement to tan6  Constrained SUSY models (mSUGRA, CMSSM) correlations between Bs → +-, b → s , ms, g-2 and SUSY Higgs sector SO(10) SUSY GUTS Branching Ratio and ms, B→ tn disentangle top-bottom Yukawa unification Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Complementary: High PT & Heavy Flavour Discover SUSY with masses at electroweak scale SUSY has 100+ free parameters SPA SUSY benchmark point MSSM with MFV masses and precision defined for all sparticles for 300 fb-1 Tools Use SUSY benchmark points poncalculate flavour observables MicrOMEGAs, ISARED Example: BR(Bs→μ+μ-) and BR(b→s) Polesello Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Bs→m+m- in Constrained MSSM Anomalous magnetic moment of muon Measured at BNL, disagrees with SM at 2.7. am = (25.2 ±9.2) 10-10 To explain it with CMSSM: for different A0 and tan: 250 < m1/2 (gaugino mass) < 650 GeV 10-7 10-8 10-9 CMSSM with this same range of gaugino mass predicts BR (Bs → m+m-) ~ a few 10-9 to 10-7 much higher than SM Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Bs→μ+μ- at LHC Current Status LHC expectations New Physics Sensitivity Upper limits dominated by Tevatron D0 at Moriond 2007 BR(Bs→μ+μ-) < 7.5 10-8 @ 90% CL LHC expectations Will observe decay down to SM level LHCb at SM level with < 2 fb-1 ATLAS/CMS also have good sensitivity New Physics Sensitivity Competitive with direct searches ATLAS Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

LHCb Sensitivities with 2 fb-1 Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Summary of LHC(b) prospects LHC is a super b-factory 1st physics run at 2008 2008 Data Will allow to exclude/discover New Physics in Bs sector down to SM level e.g. weak mixing phase s in Bs J/ and BR(Bs→μ+μ-) LHCb (2 fb–1, 10 fb–1) (sin(2)) = 0.02, 0.01 () = 4.2º, 2.4º () = 10º, 4.5º CKM metrology at precision to probe NP at 10% level Requires theoretical progress |Vub| and Lattice QCD (mixing) Rare decays 10 fb–1 ~2013 Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Flavour Physics after 5 LHC years Possible Scenarios ATLAS/CMS discover Higgs & NP Flavour physics observes NP effects that constrain NP models  More flavour physics sensitivity required to further elucidate NP ATLAS/CMS discover Higgs & NP Flavour physics observes nothing beyond SM  More flavour physics sensitivity required to further elucidate NP ATLAS/CMS discover Higgs but no NP Flavour physics observes NP effects that constrain NP models  More flavour physics sensitivity required to further elucidate NP ATLAS/CMS discover Higgs but no NP Flavour Physics sees nothing beyond SM  More flavour physics sensitivity required to further probe NP Flavour Physics More sensitivity will be required to further probe or establish NP beyond SM Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Future Flavour Facilities SuperKEKB Flavour Factory Upgrade KEKB Increase currents 1.75 A  9.6 A (LER) 2.36 A  4.1 A (HER) reduce beam divergence *: 6 mm  3mm Increase beam-beam parameter : 0.053  > 0.24 Luminosity goal ℒ ~ 8 x1035 cm-2s-1 Collect ~50 ab-1 http//belle.kek.jp/superb SuperB Flavour Factory Low emittance ILC like final focus RF Power ~17 MW Luminosity goal ℒ >1 x1036 cm-2s-1 http//www.pi.infn.it/SuperB Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Future Flavour Facilities LHCb Upgrade Upgrade LHCb experiment such that it can operate at ℒ ~ 2 x1033 cm-2s-1 10 times design luminosity Collect ~100 fb-1 data sample in ~5 yrs Is compatible with LHC luminosity upgrade (Super-LHC) does not require SLHC LHCb is only B-physics experiment approved for running after 2010 Can LHCb exploit the full potential of B physics at hadron colliders? LHCb Upgrade - Detectors, Trigger and DAQ Vertex detector sensors require replacing with radiation-hard sensors after ~6 fb-1 Add Vertex Detector and Tracker to L0 Trigger, possible factor 3 improvement of hadron trigger Readout full detector at 40 MHz All Front-end electronics must be redesigned Need to replace all silicon sensors Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Physics at a Super Flavour Factory ACP(BXg) AFB(BXll) CPV in CF and DCS D decays Br(tmg) …… CKM angles a,b,g Br(Btn) and B Dln |Vub|,|Vcb| radiative decays : Br(Brg, K*g) many other measurements… A Stocchi Flavour in the LHC era March 2007 CERN Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim Adjusting the central values so that they are all compatible Keeping the central values as measured today with errors at the SuperB

Physics with LHCb Upgrade s (Bs ) Sensitivity Estimated precision in 10 fb–1 (s ()) ~ 0.04 precision statistically limited With 100 fb-1 and 1st level detached vertex trigger (s (Bs )) ~ 0.006 -> 0.014 If large s discovered Establish flavour structure of New Physics Script will write itself, but likely need more precise LHCb data If New Physics in Bs  is small ~3 evidence for NP in b  s transitions require better precision LHCb Upgrade will probe NP at O(0.01) level 3 Penguin Tree New Physics? Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

UK Perspective I Flavour physics is a UK strength since many years NA31, NA48, CPLEAR in 1980s and 90s BaBar and CDF/D0 since late 1990s UK has established strong involvement in Flavour in LHC era Rise of phenomenology including flavour experts Strong in Lattice QCD Largest single country in LHCb 2 Physics WG convenors in LHCb and other major positions ATLAS B physics convenor In excellent position to exploit LHC data and probe New Physics or measure flavour couplings of New Physics discovered at ATLAS/CMS Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

UK Perspective II Time is now to establish future flavour physics programme Leading LHCb Upgrade effort - UK convenor SuperFlavorFactory – 1 UK editor for CDR physics case New Research Council STFC opens up new opportunities Challenge for a new UK Flavour Physics Project Adventurous not “solid” Doing new things not doing the same thing with smaller errors Leading a project not joining a project Focused on excellence not doing a bit of everything UK particle physics needs to play to its strength Flavour physics Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

B Factories – “Press Releases” Evidence for D0 mixing Observation of direct CP violation in B g p+p- Expect exciting results with surprise in LHC era Exciting results every year ! Evidence for B g tn Observation of b g dg Evidence for direct CPV in B g K+p- Discovery of X(3872) Hint at new physics: CPV in B g fKs Observation of B g K(*)ll M Hazumi Flavour in the LHC era March 2007 CERN Observation of CPV in B meson system Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Particle Physics in 2007 LHCb, B-factories CP Violation Let’s start digging! ATLAS, CMS Higgs & SUSY Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Backup Slides Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

Supersymmetry SU(5) GUT Degenerate SU(5) GUT Non-degenerate U(2) FS fS fS can deviate from the SM by 5-10% for SU(5) GUT with non-degenerate case and the U(2) model. From Okada talk at BNMII, Nara Women’s Univ. Dec., 2006 Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

CP Violation in B Mesons How does CP Violation arise? Difference between transitions of particles and antiparticles in B0 mixing in B decay in interference between B0 mixing and decay New Physics could arise in the mixing or in the decay amplitude Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim

The End Cosenors, 21 June 2007 F. Muheim