Welcome to Year Six! Teaching your children maths was a really useful transition tool for us and the children last term. The following information will be published onto the website.
Expectation and Responsibilities Year Six is an important year for the children: The oldest children in the school: exemplary behaviour, work and general attitude. Role models for other children. Preparation for high school.
Homework We set ten spellings on a Tuesday and will test on the next Tuesday. The children have a sheet that contains the spellings. The children have a selection of maths and topic tasks to choose from every half term, to complete in their orange homework log books. We have talked to your children about this. Please encourage your children to read regularly, as this will help them in all aspects of their schoolwork.
Timetable Day Morning Afternoon 1st lesson 2nd lesson 3rd Lesson 1st lesson 2nd lesson 3rd Lesson Monday Maths Guided Reading Topic Writing Spanish and PE Tuesday PE and Computing Wednesday Topic Thursday Science Friday
Year 6 Christmas arrangements This is an exciting time for year six this Christmas and a new opportunity! The year six media project will have a Christmas theme. The year six Christmas showcase will take place at Cinema City on Thursday 14th December, following their visits by City College students and the visits to City College. Due to the amount of time this year six Christmas media project will take, they will not be involved in the KS2 Christmas production, however they will be producing an end of year show as part of our ‘Performance’ topic.
Teacher Arrangements Mr Jones with Mrs Roberts Mrs Hall with Mrs Tozer Mrs Mealing Mills (Monday to Wednesday) small groups in the library Mrs Roberts and Mrs Tozer: small groups in shared area where necessary Mrs Fowler: afternoons on Mondays and Wednesdays, taking small groups
Sex and Relationships Education We will be teaching the year six unit of SRE after Christmas. The SRE programme includes watching a DVD from the Channel 4 Living and Growing series and input from the class teacher. All teaching materials are appropriate to the age and emotional maturity of the pupils concerned and the teachers will aim to present the programme in an objective, balanced and sensitive manner. In year six the teaching programme will cover the physical and emotional changes that boys and girls go through during puberty, addressing concerns and worries and to become more aware of the changes that girls and boys experience. We will write to you to provide you with further details.
SATs Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Trips and Year Six Residential We will organise a trip or visitor every half term as part of our topic. Our first topic trip will be on Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th October to the Poppy Line. The Isle of Wight school journey will be taking place between Monday 4th and Friday 8th June 2017. We will be holding a detailed meeting about this on Thursday 12th October at 5.30pm. You have been emailed a letter with trip information.
If you have a problem If you have any issues to discuss regarding your children, please speak to their class teacher in the first instance. Feel free to catch us at the end of the day, and if necessary we will then arrange a longer meeting.