What is autonomy? Autonomous – self-governing. Freedom from external control or influence. A “free standing” organization. Independent – not dependent on another. Churches do not depend upon other congregations to exist, function or do its work
What is autonomy? Christ gave His church a congregational form of government. He is head of the body (local or universal) Each congregation is Independent – we are organized as if we are the only one on earth! Cf. Revelation 1:11-13 Each congregation is equal – size, location, resources not determining factors of greatness. We are judged by our faithfulness!
Autonomy of the Local Church Oversight of elders – the basic governing structure Each congregation to have elders – Acts 14:23, Philippians 1:1 Elders limited to their local work – Acts 20:17, 28; 1 Peter 5:2-3 Elders have no legislative authority. They make judgments based upon God’s word
Autonomy of the Local Church NO example of functional arrangements larger or smaller than the local church – each congregation did its own work Each congregation received instructions directly from the word of the Lord (via apostles, prophets, etc. – Ephesians 4:11-12) Instructions both orally and written
Autonomy of the Local Church Denominational structures are different from the Bible pattern The Local church in scripture 1 Corinthians 12:12, 27 Ephesians 1:22-23 Revelation 1:11-13 Christ Members
Autonomy of the Local Church Denominational structures different from the Bible pattern Catholicism – a 3 tiered structure
Autonomy of the Local Church Denominational structures different from the Bible pattern Episcopal church – congregations, Diocese and a General convention. Presbyterian Church – Congregation (overseen by a session), Presbytery, General Assembly Also consider organization of AME church and Baptist churches (autonomous – but different internal organizations – Pastor & deacon’s board, also most join a “convention” or “association”
Autonomy of the Local Church Every work God has given us can be accomplished with autonomy and independence Worship (Acts 20:7), evangelism (Acts 11:22, 13:2-3, 1 Thess. 1:8, etc.), benevolence (Acts 6:3, 11:27- 30, etc.); edification (Ephesians 4:16)
Autonomy of the Local Church Every work God has given us can be accomplished with autonomy and independence Each congregation has responsibility according to its ability – 2 Corinthians 8:10-14 NT congregations respected these boundaries
Let us strive to be the church that truly belongs to Christ! New Testament Church 2017 (17))