Contour Line Still Life August 16- 19
Sketchbook assignment Due August 19th Draw the inside of your closet using contour lines Formative Assessment 5 points
August 16th objectives Students will… Understand what a contour line is Produce a contour line drawing Complete a line worksheet
Contour Line Contour drawing, is an artistic technique used in the field of art in which the artist sketches the contour of a subject by drawing lines that result in a drawing that is essentially an outline
Complete the line worksheet using the “Art talk” book Horizontal Line feeling of calm Diagonal Line feeling of instable Vertical Line feeling of strength Curved Line feeling of flowing movement ZigZag Line feeling of action
Contour Shoe Take off one of your shoes. You will draw a contour line drawing of your shoes. Use the following directions to help you. Contour Shoe
August 17th- 19th Objectives Students will… Produce a still life contour line drawing
Still Life: a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects.
Summative Assessment worth 100 point Get still life objects from the back Locker. Arrange them on your tables. Your should have at least 4 items. Go over the drawing with sharpie when you finish Summative Assessment worth 100 point