Top 25 Lists
Top 25 Lists Top 25 lists let you keep track of up to 40 projects at a time. You can add or remove projects as you see fit. You can move projects from list to list. You can change project rank.
Two List Types There are two types of Top 25 lists: 1 – Editable Lists 2 – Viewable Lists
Editable Lists Editable Lists are lists that: You created …or… You’ve been given Edit Access to by the owner. Think of these as “private” lists.
Viewable Lists Viewable Lists are lists that: You created …or… You’ve been given Edit Access by the owner …or… You’ve been given Read Only rights by the owner...or Have been made “public” by the owner so that anyone can see them.
What you can do on the Top 25 Tab 1. – Create a new list. 2. – Rename an Editable list. 3. – Delete an Editable list. 4. – Open a list.
Create a New List Each new list must have a unique name. Click this box to make the list Viewable to everyone.
Add Projects to a List To add projects to a list, just click any empty rank.
Search for Projects Then use the Add dialog to find the project you want to add.
Search for Projects The project appears in the rank position you chose.
Change Project Rank To move projects from one rank to another, just click, drag and drop. Drag Drop
Edit Lists Click on a project to see your edit options. You can: 1- Remove a project. 2- Replace a project with another project 3- Add the selected project to a different list. 4- Go to the project.
Edit Access Rights You can give people rights to your list or change their access level at any time. Click the Access Rights button:
Edit Access Rights Then select one of the Access Rights options.
Viewable Lists Your options are limited for a Viewable list. You can: 1- Add projects to different lists. 2- Go to a project.
GP3 Format You can also display any project in GP3 Format. Select a project, then click the GP3 Format button.
GP3 Format Display
Add to a Different List To add a project to a different list, click the Add to Different List option, then make your rank selection from the dialog.
Position #26 and Above You can only see projects ranked 26-40 if you have Edit rights to the list.
Top 25 Lists You can make as many Top 25 lists as you want. Editing a project on a list does not change the project in any way – only the list.