Chapter 10-13 Overview LEQ:
Age of Jackson, President: 1829-1837 Andrew Jackson 7th President of the U.S. Old Hickory He believed ordinary people should participate in American political life General at the Battle of New Orleans - War of 1812
Andrew Jackson lost to John Quincy Adams ( 1 term President) The Election of 1824 Andrew Jackson lost to John Quincy Adams ( 1 term President) Jackson won the major vote but did not receive the majority of Electoral votes. There were a total of 4 candidates in the election of 1824
Democracy in the Age of Jackson The right to vote Without owning land Jackson believed in a government by ordinary people Mistrust of government Government favored the rich and powerful
Question: Do you think that government still favors the rich and powerful? Explain your answer with specific examples.
Jackson becomes 7th President of the United States Election of 1828 Victory for the “Common Man” Twice as many people voted for Jackson than in 1824 Why? States began extending suffrage or the right to vote Many states eliminated requirement to own land to vote Only to white men
Background Knowledge: Before Jackson became President, he gained popularity for his victories over Native Americans and his toughness in the War of 1812 When Jackson became President more than 100,000 Native Americans lived east of the Mississippi River
Native Americans in the United States 5 Civilized Tribes Chickasaw Cherokee Creek Seminoles
They moved to the Indian Territory Indian Removal Act of 1830 This act gave Jackson authority to offer Native American nations land west of the Mississippi In exchange for their lands in the East Most Native Americans leaders signed new treaties giving up their lands They moved to the Indian Territory Oklahoma
Part of Jackson’ Indian removal act Cherokee Nation Trail of Tears Part of Jackson’ Indian removal act Winter of 1838-1839 Cherokee Nation Forced to march hundreds of miles Guarded by 7,000 soldiers 15,000 Cherokees started the trip 4,000 died Route is called the Trail of Tears
Checks on Learning Who was elected President in the election of 1824? What controversy was there with this election? Can you compare it with the election of 2016? Explain. During the “Age of Jackson” what requirement was removed in order to vote? Who won the election of 1828? What is suffrage? Did suffrage extend to all men? Explain. When Jackson became President, how many Native Americans lived east of the Mississippi River? List the Civilized Native American tribes in America. Briefly describe the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Describe the Trail of Tears. What could the American government done differently? Explain with specific examples. Summary. Summarize what you learned from this section.
Industrial revolution