NEWSLETTER Ms. Campbell Ms. Holt Ms. Harper Anchorage Public School Monday, November 5, 2012 Spelling / Vocabulary This week’s spelling and vocabulary words are from the Prefix and Suffix Workbook page 29. Test Friday! Words with Prefix Pro- Probable Proceed Projectile Prolong Promotion Propel Prospect Protest Reading/Language/Writing Students will read the first story in our 4th Grade Junior Great Book called “Thank You Ma’am.” Language skill this week is singular and plural possessives. Math We will start the week off looking at problems that involve multiplicative comparison. We will spend the rest of the week using our mathematical skills to solve real world problems. We will practice explaining our thinking with single step & multi-step problems. Students will practice their subtraction & multiplication skills nightly. Our unit test will take place on Thursday. Science Students will finish a STEM challenge on Monday where they are writing a letter to an authority figure explaining how to fix a negative change to the ecosystem caused by humans. The remainder of the week students will review life cycles as well as compare and contrast the life cycles of two different organisms. Social Studies This week in social studies we will explore how Native Americans and English colonists maintained a friendly truce in the early years of American settlement. Then we will move on to the conflicts that became unavoidable as colonists moved inland and forced Indian tribes off their land. Plus, students will learn about the Cherokee Indians struggle to keep their land. They will discover the influence Chief Joseph Brant had over the tribes to help the British gain support. Upcoming Dates: November 5th- Abe Lincoln presentation. November 6th- Parent / Teacher Conferences. No school for students. November 16th- 1st grading trimester ends. Just a Reminder: We are in great need of pencils and checking pens in the classroom. It seems that we have quickly gone through all of our pencils. Any donations are greatly appreciated. THANK YOU so much to Mrs. DeSmet and Mrs. Kern for planning a fabulous Halloween party. Thank you also to everyone that sent items in to make our afternoon so successful! ANCHORAGE VISION The Anchorage School Learning Community Launching Life Long Learning Through... Inspiration – Exploration – Connection