TENER & HACER To express “TO BE”
Fill-in-the-blank When “to be” means “to feel” and the subject is a person or an animal, “to be warm, cold,” etc., is expressed by using the verb tener.
Tener calor to be warm or hot Tener frío to be cold
Tener hambre to be hungry Tener sed to be thirsty
Tener sueño to be sleepy
Tener pena to be embarrassed Tener vergüenza to be ashamed or embarrassed
Tener miedo to be afraid
There are other idioms that use the verb tener that you should know: Tener ganas de to feel like (doing something); to want to (do something ¿Qué tienes? What’s the matter with you? Tener que + verb to have to do something
Tener cuidado to be careful
Tener prisa to be in a hurry
. Tener … años to be … years old. Tengo _____ años.
(No) Tener razón to be right (wrong)
¿Qué tiempo hace? How’s the weather? When “to be” describes the weather, most expressions use the verb hacer: ¿Qué tiempo hace? How’s the weather? Hace buen (mal) tiempo. the weather is nice (bad).
Hace (mucho) frío. It’s (very) cold. Hace (mucho) calor. It’s (very) hot/warm. Hace fresco. It’s cool (weather). Hace viento/sol. It’s windy/sunny.
The weather is not described with the verb estar *The weather is not described with the verb estar. This verb describes the condition of objects or people: El café está frío. The coffee is cold. El niño está caliente. Tiene fiebre. The child is hot. He has a fever.
REMINDER: “There is/are” is expressed with the verb Hay. The question “Is/Are there?” is expressed ¿Hay?.