Serbian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency IAEA RER/9/111: Establishing a Sustainable National Regulatory Infrastructure for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Regional Workshop on Drafting Regulations on Radiation Safety Jasminka Joksić, PhD Serbian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency IAEA Workshop on Drafting Regulations, 3 Nov-14 Nov 2014 Republic of Serbia
Participant introduction Jasminka Joksic, PhD, Physical Chemist Assistant Director, Serbian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (SRPNA), Serbian Regulatory Body, Republic of Serbia Head of European integration, international cooperation and legal affairs Department in SRPNA Working in SRPNA from establishement, 2010 All EU acquis in framevork of Chapter 15 – Energy As candidat country for EU, passed explanatory and bilateral screening Member of Negotiatin Group 15 Negotiating Group on Energy 28 Negotiating Group on Consumer Protection and Health Protection 25 Negotiating Group on Science and Research Coordinator for expert review of translated EU legislation, in SRPNA curentlly 7 appointed expert reviewers European Integration Office IAEA Workshop on Drafting Regulations, 3 Nov-14 Nov 2014 Republic of Serbia
Legal and Regulatory Framework Institutional Framework Serbian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (SRPNA) Established in December 2009 by Law on radiation protection and nuclear safety (Official Gazette of RS No. 36/09 and 93/12) passing bylaws and programmes for implementing Law producing instructions and procedures required for implementing radiation and nuclear safety and security measures issuing, extending and revoking licences for performing a radiation practice or nuclear activity Iisuing permits for the import, export and transit of radioactive materials keeping the registries and centralised records, Etc. Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection The control over the SRPNA's work Inspection control over implementing radiation protection measures (4 inspectors ) SRPNA’s budget Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development The control over the SRPNA's Inspection control over implementing nuclear safety measures and RWM (no inspectors) Directorate for transportation of dangerous goods Responsible for issuing permits for transport of class 7 of dangerous goods Inspection of facilities and activities and enforcement of regulatory requirements are not in RB Transport of radioactive materials - Directorate for transportation of dangerous goods Not in complinace with GSR Part-3, Responsibilities of RB, Requirement 3 and Directives 2009/71, 2014/87, 2011/70, 2013/59 IAEA Workshop on Drafting Regulations, 3 Nov-14 Nov 2014 Republic of Serbia
Legal and Regulatory Framework Legislative Framework Law on radiation protection and nuclear safety (Off. Gaz. of RS No. 36/09, 93/12) 14 Rulebooks in the field of radiation protection 4 Rulebooks in the fiel of nuclear safety Regulation on nuclear safety and security programme establishment (Official Gazette of RS, no. 39/14) Regulation on security measures of nuclear facilities and nuclear materials (Official Gazette RS, no. 39/14) Missing bylaws according to Law: Regulation on Action Plan in the Case of an Accident Regulation on Radiation Safety and Security Programme Regulation on Radioactive Waste Management Programme Planed to be adopted in 2014, NPAA, Draft versions Law on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (Official Gazette RS, 88/10) Partially harmonised with EU acquis in the field IAEA Workshop on Drafting Regulations, 3 Nov-14 Nov 2014 Republic of Serbia
Process to establish or revise regulations Issuing or changing the Law is under the jurisdiction of relevant ministries responsible for radiation protection, nuclear safety and radioactive waste management SRPNA passing bylaws for implementing Law SRPNA organises meetings with licensees and other stakeholders and professional associations during document drafting Part of procedure is call for comments through SRPNA web site Adoption by Management Board of SRPNA, Law on Public Agencies (Official Gazette of RS No. 18/05 and 81/05-corr.) Opinions from MESTD and MAEP For drafting Regulations on Programmes (adopted by Government) procedure included additional multiple consultation with advisory Commissions of SRPNA: 1. Nuclear safety and security Commission 2. Radioactive Waste Management Commission 3. Radiation safety and security Commission 4. Emergency management and radioactivity monitoring Commission in complinace with GSR Part-1, Responsibilities and functions of the RB, Requirement 20, Liaison with advisory bodies and support organisations Sending regulations to responsible ministry (MESTD and MAEP) Responsible Ministry send ing document for opinion from other relevant ministries depending on issue Government adopt document in a form of Regulation Regulatory approach is prescriptive, mix of prescriptive with performance based IAEA Workshop on Drafting Regulations, 3 Nov-14 Nov 2014 Republic of Serbia
Current activities in regulations development In order to be harmonised with IAEA requirements and EU acquis: New Law New bylaws Number of bylaws depending of structure of new Law All developed regulation should in compicance with: Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom Directives 89/618/Euratom, 90/641/Euratom, 96/29/Euratom, 97/43/Euratom and 2003/122/Euratom Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste management - Directive 2011/70/Euratom Nuclear safety - Directive 2009/71/Euratom Exchange of information- Directive 1987/600/Euratom The Shipments of radioactive substances – Regulation 1993/1493 Euratom Supervision and Control of Shipments of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel – Directive 2006/117 Euratom IAEA Workshop on Drafting Regulations, 3 Nov-14 Nov 2014 (country name)
Thank you for your attention IAEA Workshop on Drafting Regulations, 3 Nov-14 Nov 2014 (country name)