Demographic Details: Area: 7096 Sq. Km. Population: 610577 [2011 census] No. of districts: 04 Ethnics : Bhutia, Lepcha, Nepali. Sex ration: Male:3,23,070 Female:2,87,507 Literacy rate: 81.42 Male:86.55 Female:66.39 Density: 86 per sq.km
ADMINISTRATIVE HIERARCHY OF MDM SCHEME. State Project Office (director) District Project Office (jt. Director] block Level (Asst. Director). School Level (HoIs).
NUMBER OF INSTITUTIONs COVERED UNDER MDM Category GOVT. MONAS SANS TOTAL PRY 398 83 10 491 UP-PRY 363 02 07 372 761 85 17 863
Central Assistance released Kitchen cum Store Year-wise details of sanctioned:- Fin. Year No. of units sanctioned Central Assistance released [Rs. In lakh] State Share Remarks 2006-07 245 147.00 555 333.00 155.00 2008-09 59 35.40 16.52 2013-14 77 168.94 16.90 Reconstruction Total 936 684.33 188.42 All completed
Details of Kitchen Devices: Fin. Year Nos. of Units sanctioned Central assistance released. [Rs. In lakh] Remarks 2006-07 446 22.32 Utilized 2007-08 336 16.80 --do-- 2011-12 97 4.85 Total 879 43.97 Replacement 2012-13 332 16.60 111 5.55 2013-14 779 38.95
ENTITLEMENT OF COOKING COST, 2016-17 CATEGORY CENTRAL Child/day STATE [child/day] TOTAL PRIMARY 3.47 0.39 3.86 UPPER PRIMARY 5.20 0.58 5.78 From July, 2016 onwards with 7% enhanced 3.72 0.41 4.13 5.56 0.62 6.18
Foodgrains allocation, lifted & Payment thereof: 2016-17 CATEGORY ALLOCATION [in MTs] LIFTED in MTS. [upto 3rd Qtr] Payment to FCI [Rs. In lakh] PRY 848.96 733.56 22.00 UP-PRY 1099.94 886.52 26.60 TOTAL 1948.90 1620.08 48.60 Note: Remaining 328.82 MTs of food grains for 4th Qtr shall be lifted during February, 2017.
DISTRICT-WISE PERFORMANCE IN Primary. 2016-17 Against enrolment DISTT PAB [approved] Enrol [as on sept. 16] Diff EAST 15448 16890 1442 87 WEST 8486 9341 855 88 NORTH 2810 2825 15 96 SOUTH 9692 10723 1031 85 TOTAL 36436 39779 3343 87%
District-wise Performance in Up-Pry: 2016-17 Upper Pry Performance in % against enrolment Distt PAB [approved] Enrol [as on sept,16] Diff EAST 12874 13770 1527 88.91 WEST 7872 9085 1202 86.77 NORTH 2028 2016 69 96.57 SOUTH 8698 8583 1117 86.99 TOTAL 31472 33454 3915 88.29 %
Details of Central and State share during:- 2016-17 Particulars Centre Share Rs. In lakh. State Share Rs. In lakh TOTAL Cost of food-grain 58.47 NA Cooking cost 709.42 [90%] 81.09 790.51 HCCH 170.19 [90%] 18.91 189.10 Transportation Cost 35.47 MME 17.52 Total 991.07 100.00 1091.07
Receipt of Central Assistance/State & Released thereof [2016-17] [Rs. In lakh] State Share Components Received Released Unutilized [as on Dec, 16] Food-grains 58.47 48.60 9.87 Cooking cost 709.42 665.89 43.53 81.09 81.00 HCCH 170.19 169.74 0.45 18.91 18.86 Transportation Cost 35.47 29.49 5.98 MME 17.52 10.70 6.82 TOTAL 991.07 924.42 66.65 100.00 99.86 Note: Academic session begins in Sikkim from February to December 2016
NEW INITIATIVES:- Introduction of Green Channel Scheme under MDM. Sensitizing of MDM scheme at every level. Introduction/Designing of MDM web-portal by MDM cell & generate e-billing. Opening of Jt. MDM Bank Accounts for all schools. Centralized payment of FCI. Training of web-portal at district level. Sensitization of CCH by nutritional expert at the district level.
Best Practices:- Schools in rural areas are serving organic vegetables in mid-day meal. Many schools are growing organic vegetables from their school kitchen garden. Eggs, Fruits & Meats are also being provided during mid- day meal in schools. Cooking agencies PTA/SMC/MTA are actively involved in serving MDM in the schools. Grievance Redressal Mechanism. Involvement of mothers of children in supervision of cooking of mid-day meal.
State Contigency/Emergency Plan: All officers, school heads, cooking agencies etc are being sensitized on safety measures viz:- Disaster Management. Combating fire incidents. First Aid applications. Immediate information. School heads are directed to seek immediate help from Block level officers, Fire Deptt, Police Station, Panchayats, PTA with their respective Phone/Mob. No. provided. Teaching & Non Teaching staff are sensitizing children on safety measures to deal any kinds of emergency situation.
Proposal for 2017-18
Proposal for 2017-18 No. of Schools: Primary : 491 Upper Pry : 372 Total : 863 No. of Cook cum Helpers: Primary/Upper Pry : 1891 No. of Enrolment: Primary : 34678 Upper Pry : 29538 Total : 64216 Working Days : 223
Proposal for central assistant [2017-18] Recurring & non recurring 1. Cooking Cost: Primary : Rs. 287.67 lakh Upper Primary : Rs. 366.25 lakh 2. Cost of Food-grains: Primary [848.96 MTs] : Rs. 23.20lakh Upper Pry [1099.95 MTs] : Rs.30.97 lakh 3. Transportation Charges : Rs.32.05 lakh 4. Honorarium to CCH : Rs.170.19 lakh 5. MME : Rs. 15.81lakh TOTAL : Rs. 894.09 lakh 6. Replacement of 97 units kitchen devices [2011-12]@Rs.5000: Rs.4.85 lakh Gr. Total : Rs. 898.94 lakh
kitchen shed: regarding 12 units of Kitchen cum store approved during last PAB-2015-16. Central Assistance is awaited.
PROBLEMS & ISSUES. As the prices of all ingredients have gone up, cooking cost for both Pry and UP-pry needs to be increased suitably from the present level of cooking cost. MME of 1.8 % is very meager and at least 6% will suffice its purposes especially for small states. Honorarium of CCH needs to be increased from the present level of Rs. 1000/* to at least Rs.1500/- Kitchen sheds released @ Rs.60,000/- during 2006-07 are in dilapidated condition needs immediate repair/re- construction.
Glimpse of photographs [mid-day meal]
[Organic Vegetation] School Tr. growing vegetables at schools
[Team Work] Parents are involve in preparing field for kitchen garden in school.
Growing variety of organic vegetables at school’s kitchen garden. Broccoli Radish Growing variety of organic vegetables at school’s kitchen garden.
Cucumber Rai Saag
Students watering tomatoes in poly house [north]
Students collecting Squash & Cucumber for mid-day meal
Dining & kitchen constructed by local agencies.
Dining Hall at school Multi tap at school
MDM I/C checking weighing at FCI godown. Area Counselor checking mdm at school
Training at District level Stake holders School Heads/MDM Tr. Training at District level
MDM in traditional attire in north district. eating hot meal MDM in traditional attire in north district.
Students eating hot meal together
SLSMC meeting of MDM chaired by Chief Secretary, Govt. of Sikkim.