Sept. 22- Columbus Zoo Night at 6:00 304-203-2273 Mrs. Zickefoose Sept. 19-23 Sight words: and, be, help, you, play, with Skills: short /a/ vowel sound, nouns Comprehension focus: characters and making connections, retelling Simple sentences, matching text to picture, capitalization and punctuation Understanding addition & comparing numbers (Topics 2 & 3 in the at home book), Reading/Counting to 120, Solving story problems, Place value, Missing numbers, Addition facts We will begin rotations this week. We will explore different topics include; life cycles, habitats and adaptations, bats, pumpkins, matter, health, and lights and sound Communities, Johnny Appleseed, apples, economics of how items made from apples are produced Sept. 22- Columbus Zoo Night at 6:00 (please return the green RSVP form) Sept. 24-25 – Pumpkin Patch Craft Show Oct. 7- 2 hour early dismissal Our AWESOME class has received the “Golden Tray” Award twice! This is given for the class with the best manners and following the 7 Habits during lunch. CHECK OUT THE BACK OF THIS NEWSLETTER! Please remember, I can only accept money for snack on Mondays. It is $2.50 per week. This is an office rule. My phone has been on the fritz and I have recently found out that I have not gotten messages/voicemails. I apologize if this has happened to you. I have a new phone so all should be well!