The final steps to the HDA project What’s Next The final steps to the HDA project
Overview 1. Peer Review 2. Editorial Review 3. Publication
What’s Next? – Peer Review After the manuscript is written, have your Local Editor (LE) review it. Once everyone is in agreement, the LE needs to send an email to the HDA Project Manager (PM) at, requesting “Peer Review” by your assigned draft due date. Include the following attachments: Manuscript as a word document Completed author checklist Electronic forms (i.e. a pdf or word document) of references
What is Peer Review? Peer Review is the process of having a faculty member at another program review a manuscript and help the author improve the manuscript.
What is the process for Peer Review? Once the manuscript, author checklist and electronic references are submitted by your deadline to the HDA project manager, they will be assigned out to another faculty member at a different program. The peer reviewer has two weeks to complete the peer review and return it to the PM. The PM will then return the manuscript and the peer review form to the LE/faculty co-author at your program. Please be aware of your due date requirement as you turn in your draft for the new round of edits.
What to expect from the Peer Reviewer The Peer Reviewer is required to: Suggest how to make the manuscript more clear, concise and relevant Identify areas of confusion for the reader Identify any grammatical or formatting issues Review the references Provide feedback in a supportive manner All of this should be done in track changes on the actual manuscript. The reviewer is also responsible for filling out the Peer Review Form. Please keep in mind, the recommendations are the peer reviewer’s opinion and you, as the author, have the right to disagree with review.
What to do with the Peer Review? After the manuscript is retuned, please work with the LE and your faculty co-author to incorporate any changes/recommendations you agree with. Please keep in mind, you have the right to disagree with the recommendations that were provided.
What’s Next? – Editorial Review Once you are finished making edits from the Peer Review, the LE should send the revised manuscript back to the HDA project manager, by your assigned due date, requesting “Editorial Review.”
What is Editorial Review? Editorial review is when the Editor-in-chief (EIC) reviews the manuscript for content, statistical accuracy, transparency and logic.
What is the process for Editorial Review? Once the manuscript is sent to the PM by the assigned due date, it will be sent to the EIC. The PM will let you know when the manuscript is scheduled to be reviewed and when you should expect to have it back, allow 2 – 4 weeks for the manuscript to be returned. The EIC will do editorial reviews three – four times per month. Once the EIC has completed the review, the manuscripts will returned to the PM and the PM will return them to the authors.
What to expect from Editorial Review? The EIC will review the manuscript (as well as the peer review and references the first time) and provide feedback to the author. The EIC will make specific requests, ask for clarification, make recommendations and provide feedback to the author. The EIC will continue to work with the author until they have approved the manuscript for publication.
What to do after the Editorial Review? After you receive the manuscript back from Editorial Review, work with the Local Editor and faculty co-author to incorporate any requested changes. Send the revised manuscript back to the project manger by your assigned due date as it will go back to the EIC for another review. This process will continue between EIC and author via the project manager until the EIC approves the manuscript for publication.
What’s Next? - Publication Once the EIC approves the manuscript for publication, you will receive a “Congratulations” email from the PM. In this email you will be given the final version, informed on how to cite the manuscript and receive information about the publication.
When and Where will I see my Publication? Approximately 4-6 months from the date your manuscript was approved for publication, the manuscript will appear in Print. All HDA’s are published in Fpin’s journal, evidence-based practice.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have completed your HDA project!
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