PICCAP US$4 million GEF funded through UNDP climate change enabling activity 3 year project regionally executed by SPREP, nationally executed by 10 Pacific Island countries Integrated with CC:TRAIN, and received co-financing from World Bank, and NZ Government for V&A component
PICCAP composed of: GHG Inventories Mitigation Analysis Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments National Implementation Plans Initial National Communications
LESSONS LEARNED UNDER PICCAP Essential initially to “invest” time and resources in the country teams Ensure that national efforts focus on comprehensive V&A studies, although these take time and resources Interpreting the V&A into sector/issue based policy development is complicated and requires much effort and resources
LESSONS LEARNED UNDER PICCAP The development of V&A guidelines assisted countries in developing national statements that formed the basis of their V&A chapters of the N/C The IPCC seven step methodology proved beneficial, but requires longer time frames for implementation to fully benefit countries. Relevancy was also needed.
LESSONS LEARNED UNDER PICCAP Some N/C did not highlight adaptation options fully, however many highlighted the need to cover gaps in data and data management, that could provide a useful basis for determining adaptation options Sector based adaptation options were more fully outlined by those countries whom had a fully active country team
LESSONS LEARNED UNDER PICCAP Some countries in their N/C highlighted the need to develop appropriate indicators covering climate induced change Some N/C were developed without full participation of a wide band of stakeholders, both Govt and Non-Govt
Adaptation is not new Historically climatic changes and variations have occurred naturally Humans have had to adapt to those changes as well as those brought on by their own lifestyles On small islands pressures to adjust to change have been critical to survival
KNOWLEDGE ON ADAPTATION INCREASES Previous - during the 70’s and 80’s Current - during the 90’s and 2000 Future - over the next decade
Previous Understanding Science - emerging IPCC - not formed new in terms of climate change limited knowledge Science - emerging IPCC - not formed Activities - very little
Current Understanding Science - more comprehensive increased, and complex nature Science - more comprehensive Policy - development beginning Linking science and policy - emerging Developing responses - emerging UNFCCC - V&A, and National Communication
Future Understanding - increased Science - more comprehensive and focused Policies - detailed development Linkages - strengthened Responses - formulated Implementation - national, possibly pilots
APPROACHES TO ADAPTATION TOP DOWN APPROACH BOTTOM UP APPROACH Both approaches should be used together to compliment a wider understanding and development of responses
FOCUS OF TOP DOWN APPROACH Planning and institutional arrangements Capacity building initiatives Transfer of technologies and assessment Implementation mechanisms
FOCUS OF A BOTTOM UP APPROACH Enhancing local capacity Community and Private Sector assessment initiatives Incorporating traditional knowledge Community and Private Sector implementation mechanisms
POSSIBLE INTEGRATED APPROACH Planning and Options - National consultations A Capacity Building Tool-Box for Adaptation Integrated Community and Private Sector Level Assessment Implementation - Utilising mechanisms and undertaking pilot projects.
PLANNING AND OPTIONS National consultations to ensure stakeholder participation Country Teams are coordinators Drafting of workplan, scoping, and financing
A CAPACITY BUILDING TOOL-BOX Awareness raising and enhanced understanding Professional training on adaptation assessment Technical capacity development, eg, on Regional Integrated Assessment Models - such as PACCLIM
COMMUNITY/PRIVATE SECTOR ASSESSMENT Develop a draft methodological framework Case studies application Building capacity at community/private sector levels primarily through awareness raising and short seminars Methodology allows for “up-scaling”
IMPLEMENT ADAPTATION MEASURES Selected pilot projects targeting national planning and policy development processes, and selected priority sectors Can also include “pilots” on community and household measures
EVALUATION Evaluation covers two primary areas and scope: the design, development, and implementation of an adaptation project the adaptation measure evaluation, covering process, consultation, pilot projects
LINKAGES WITH UNFCCC Progresses further with assessment Enables inclusion of community/private sector - improves their understanding and strengthens ownership Enables improved understanding on Stage II and III Adaptation, ie, the “how” and “implementation” stages Influences negotiations on Adaptation