Statutory Assessment tests End of Key Stage 2 May 2017 What do the assessments involve? How will my child be supported to prepare for the assessments? What information will I be given about my child’s results? Welcome Outline of the evening covering three main areas Time for questions See papers
What is the purpose of the assessments? Provide parents with clear information about their child’s progress and attainment at the end of primary education Enable schools to evaluate the effectiveness of curriculum, teaching and learning Provide information to government about the standards of education nationally Support transition to secondary school Parents understand where their child is after 7 years of statutory education Emphasise the most significant use is for government and school to evaluate quality of education e.g. GB, OFSTED All children will take part- few children would not be able to access
Organisation of the assessments Reading comprehension paper 60mins 50 marks Grammar & Punctuation paper 45mins 50 marks Spelling paper 15mins 20 marks Maths 1 Arithmetic 30mins 40 marks Maths 2 Reasoning 40mins 35 marks Maths 3 Reasoning 40mins 35 marks Reading- read 3 texts and answer questions 150 words per minute fluency to have sufficient time to complete G & P- knowledge of sentence structure, parts of sentence and being able to identify errors or correct punctuation Spelling- read by teacher, fill in missing words in a series of sentences Maths- Arithmetic based on calculations and using standard methods to calculate- speed of recall of facts Reasoning- application of mathematical knowledge inc data handling, shape space and measures
Teacher Assessment Reading TA in addition to statutory assessment Writing TA only Maths TA in addition to statutory assessment Science TA only Writing teach will assess writing based on task completed in class over the course of the year against criteria dictated by DFE Sample of schools selected to complete science paper- alternate years so not in 2017 External moderation by LA
When do the assessments take place? Monday 8th May Reading Tuesday 9th May Grammar & Punctuation, & Spelling Wednesday 10th May Maths Arithmetic & Reasoning paper 1 Thursday 11th May Maths Reasoning Paper 2
How will my child be prepared for the assessments? High quality teaching and learning Regular assessments Learning conversations Targeted interventions Learning Logs Practice assessments Please do not use the 2016 test at home
Assessment Results week beginning 10th July 2017 Reading- scaled score (100), expected standard & Teacher assessment Writing- Teacher assessment WTS; EXS; GDS Maths- Scaled score (100), expected standard & Teacher assessment Science- Teacher assessment, Expected standard Reports with the results Importance of secure fit model Reading scale score where 100 is the expected- TA with working at or not Writing- WTS, EXS, GDS Maths- scale score 100 TA EXS or not Science- EXS or not
Supporting your Child to be successful Positive encouragement Engagement in school learning tasks Routine- exercise, sleep & diet Wider interests Success in all aspects of education for life Can do attitude Learning logs, spellings, x tables etc Start routines now- electronic devices Focus on things child enjoys outside of school One part of bigger picture
Questions & materials Assessment materials to view CGP Google key stage 2 SATS 2017 Not yet!