Phy2005 Applied Physics II Spring 2017 Announcements: Exam 1 answers, solutions posted on tests page Exam 1 grades will be posted soon on Canvas Exam 1 mean was 67%
AC vs. DC power The big advantage of AC current is that it is relatively easy to change the voltage, using a device called a transformer. Power companies use very high voltages to transmit power over long distances. Say that you have a power plant that can produce 1 million watts of power. One way to transmit that power would be to send 1 million amps at 1 volt. Another way to transmit it would be to send 1 amp at 1 million volts. Sending 1 amp requires only a thin wire, and not much of the power is lost to heat during transmission. Sending 1 million amps would require a huge wire. So power companies use very high voltages for transmission (such as 1 million volts), then drop it back down to lower voltages for distribution (such as 1,000 volts), and finally down to 120 volts inside the house for safety.
AC vs. DC power Nikolai Tesla Thomas Edison Tesla championed alternating current, while Edison insisted that it was too dangerous. The public debate between the two became acrimonious, reflecting the high stakes. The only casualties in this "war of currents" were the animals Edison publicly electrocuted with Tesla's high voltage system to prove his point. The early victims were dogs and cats, but Edison eventually electrocuted an elephant named Topsy.
MAGNETISM One of the oldest subjects in Physics: ancient Greeks (near the city of Magnesia) and Chinese realized certain strange stones (lodestones) attracted iron. Compass invented in China 2nd century BC Around 1600, William Gilbert proposed that the Earth itself is a gigantic magnet. For a long time, people knew only one source of magnetism (from iron). In 1821, a Danish physicist, Oersted noticed that an electrical wire carrying current made the nearby compass reorient. First clue of inter-relation between electricity and Magnetism. Ampere, Faraday established the nature of electricity and magnetism (from their experimental observations).
S N S N S N S N N S N N and S poles always come as a pair. (N.B. charges do not have to come as pair.) S N S N S N S N N S N force-at-a-distance, non-contact force There should be a type of field in space that generates magnetic force!! Magnetic Field
B-field comes out of N-pole and enters into S-pole. N pole of compass needle aligns in the B-field direction. B-field comes out of N-pole and enters into S-pole.
B-field comes out of N-pole and enters into S-pole. Reminder: electric charges and fields
B Permanent magnets are not the only source of B-field. Electric current generates B-field. B I X B-field direction from current: “right-hand rule”. B-field is stronger near the wire.
A wire placed in a perpendicular B-field experiences a sideways force! Magnetic field [B] = [F/IL] = Ns/Cm = Tesla *1 Tesla = 104 gauss FB = ILB Length of the section in B-field
force on a wire with I in B-field force on a charge q in E-field FB = ILB FE = qE direction depends on I direction direction depends on charge
What is the direction of the current? Ex A wire is running perpendicular to the direction of a uniform magnetic field of 1.2 T. The wire experiences a force coming out of the screen when it carries a1.2 A current . What is the direction of the current? B = 1.2 T 1.2 A
Ex A square wire loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field (coming out of the screen) and current flows through the wire as shown in the figure. Indicate the direction of magnetic force acting on each side of the loop. . . . .
a B B FB = ILB┴ FB = IL(Bsina) I B┴= Bsin(a) B a I Message: only component of magnetic field perpendicular to I counts!
Ex The earth magnetic field in Colorado has a value of 0 Ex The earth magnetic field in Colorado has a value of 0.59 G and is directed at an angle of 67 below the horizontal. Find the force on a 5 m-wire carrying 20 A current from E to W. S N 67 degree X F N S I F = ILB = (20 A)(5 m)(5.9x10-5 T) = 5.9 x 10-3 N Note field and wire are perpendicular, so no cos(angle)!
Q1 A wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 4 kG as shown in the figure. 1 A of current flows into the port A and comes out of the port B. What is the magnetic and direction force acting on the 1 m-long vertical portion of the wire? B = 4 kG 0.4 N to the right 0.4 N to the left 4 N into the screen 4 N out of the screen A B
Clicker Quiz Time Log in your remote! ACADEMIC HONESTY Each student is expected to hold himself/herself to a high standard of academic honesty. Under the UF academic honesty policy. Violations of this policy will be dealt with severely. There will be no warnings or exceptions. Log in your remote!
Q2 A wire is placed perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field as shown in the figure. The current flows into the page through the wire. Which arrow represents the correct magnetic force direction on the wire? B A B C D B D A X C
Q3 What is the force acting on the 1 m-long wire placed in a uniform magnetic field B when current I flows through it as shown in the figure? 30 I B BI BItan(30) BIcos(30) 0.5B