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what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Benefits of Justification (v 1-2) Paul beings chapter 5 with the word “Therefore” The Greek word for “therefore” is oun Oun is a conjunction. What is a conjunction?
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Benefits of Justification (v 1-2) Paul beings chapter 5 with the word “Therefore” The use of “therefore” would indicate that these verses are the consequences of the truths laid out in the previous four chapters. What Paul is saying is: “In light of what we have discussed thus far, here are the three benefits that justification brings.
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Benefits of Justification (v 1-2) The three benefits of justification: 1. We have peace with God. 2. We obtain access to grace in which we stand. 3. There is hope of the glory of God.
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Benefits of Justification (v 1-2) These are wonderful benefits, but life is complex, and involves pain as much as pleasure. When things are going well, we enjoy these benefits.
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Benefits of Justification (v 1-2) But what about when things are not going so well? What difference do peace and future glory make?
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Joy in Suffering (v 3-5) Not only do we “rejoice in the hope of glory,” we also “rejoice in our sufferings.”
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Joy in Suffering (v 3-5) Paul is saying, “Not only do we have these joys, but these joys remain joys in our sorrow, and even help us to find joy in times of sorrow.” It is actually possible to rejoice for suffering: sometimes, suffering can help make us into better people.
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Joy in Suffering (v 3-5) “I disagree With that scripture!”
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Joy in Suffering (v 3-5) Christians, however, rejoice in suffering. This does not mean that there is joy in trouble itself. God hates pain and the troubles of life, and so should we. Christians should also understand that suffering will have beneficial results. Christians “look through” their sufferings to their certainties.
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Joy in Suffering (v 3-5) Positive results of suffering: 1. Suffering leads to perseverance. 2. Perseverance leads to character. 3. All of these things lead us to hope. Suffering drives us to the one place where we find real hope: the gospel, and ultimately, Jesus Christ.
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Joy in Suffering (v 3-5) Paul’s point is this: Suffering starts a chain reaction that ultimately leads to hope. The benefits of justification are enlarged by suffering.
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what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Real Assurance (v 5-8) In verse 5, Paul anticipates an objection: How can you really know this hope of glory is right? How can you know it is true? We can know that God loves us because of the experience of His love. Hope does not disappoint. Hope comes through the Holy Spirit.
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Real Assurance (v 5-8) In verses 6-8, we know that God loved us because of Jesus’ death on the cross. Christ gave up everything on behalf of people who had rejected Him.
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Real Assurance (v 5-8) In verses 7-8, Paul makes a persuasive argument about the love of Jesus Christ. It would take a very loving person to die to save another person. It is rare that someone would die for a righteous person. No one would die for an evil person. However . . .
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 Real Assurance (v 5-8)
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 You Will Get There (v 9-10) Verse 2 spoke of hope in the glory of God. How do we know we will endure until then? In verses 9-10, Paul tells us that Christ’s work not only assures our hope for the future, but also for our immediate lives.
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 You Will Get There (v 9-10) Paul intertwines two arguments here: If Jesus saved us “when we were God’s enemies” (v10), then how much more will He keep us saved now that we are His friends (“justified by His blood”)? 2. If Jesus achieved our salvation when He died, how much more will He keep us saved when He is alive?
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 The Joy of Justification (v 11) Verses 1-10 show us the benefits of justification. What does knowing those benefits produce in us? We should rejoice in that justification. The benefits of justification should produce joy in our lives.
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 The Joy of Justification (v 11)
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 The Joy of Justification (v 11) According to Tim Keller, “Joy is the great marker of the justified person.” Joy does not depend on your circumstances or your performance. When you give your heart to anything except God, you will be disappointed.
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 The Joy of Justification (v 11) St. Augustine prayed, “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 The Joy of Justification (v 11) So, how do we get this joy? Through knowing and living out and meditating on the doctrine of justification by faith – through loving the truths presented in these eleven verses.
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11 The Joy of Justification (v 11) What are some signs that you are rejoicing in God? Your mind is satisfied with the doctrine of justification by faith alone. You don’t dwell on past sins and failures. When you discover new sin in your life, you don’t doubt God’s love. When you face death, you do so with serenity because you are going to be with a friend.
what Justification brings: Romans 5:1-11