God’s Grace Gifts of care for each other The apostle Paul lists the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in: Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, & Ephesians 4. Many preachers talk about the 9 gifts of the Spirit, But there are more than 9 gifts in 1 Corinthians 12: compare verses 8-10 & verse 28. Over 20 grace gifts are identified in the N.T. Some of the gifts seem rather ordinary, but Paul uses one word to describe them all – charisma.
Worship, transformation and humility. Romans 121-13: the Church, the body of Christ Verses 1-3: Priorities for disciples - Worship, transformation and humility. Verses 4-6a: Life in the church – One body, many members, with different gifts. Each member belongs to all the others.
The Grace gift of Serving All believers are to be servants: Mark 1043,44 But Paul says there is a charisma of serving: 1 Cor. 1228: those able to help others. This gift often includes hospitality: Romans 1213, 1Peter 49.
The Grace Gift of Encouraging (exhorting) Pleading, appealing, warning, encouraging, urging people to get close to Jesus! The gift can be exercised in preaching, small groups, and one-to-one. Barnabas [Acts 436,926-28,1122-24], Peter [Acts 240]
The Grace Gift of Giving: contributing to the needs of others. All disciples are to give – time, money, possessions, love… But there is also a charisma, which empowers some to have a special anointing: given-ness. I have known many folk with this grace gift, but they don’t shout about it!
The Grace Gift of showing mercy All believers are to be merciful: Luke 1025-37 But the Grace Gift of Mercy equips for a ministry of compassion & mercy.
There’s More! The Holy Spirit is fluid, dynamic, powerful, uncontrollable – so He can surprise us!” I believe there are more grace gifts: Craft skills [Exodus 3530-361], Music [1 Sam.1623], Intercession……and more! Our God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us! Ephesians 320.