The Manifest Destiny Essential Question: What is Manifest Destiny and how did the U.S. expand to the Pacific coast?
Manifest Destiny Definition: Belief that it was America’s God given right to settle land all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Various reasons for moving west
The Oregon Treaty Shared territory with G.B. since 1818 Polk’s slogan: Fifty four forty or fight! U.S. and British set the border at the 49th parallel in 1846
Texas Independence Americans settle Texas Belonged to Spain, then Mexico In exchange for land must surrender American citizenship, swear allegiance to Mexico, adopt Roman Catholic religion Mexico unhappy with U.S. influence Texans declare independence from Mexico on Mar 2 1836 and war breaks out
The Alamo 200 Texans captured a fort in San Antonio Thousands of Mexicans lay siege to the fort for 12 days and nights Kill nearly all 200 defenders However, Texans win Battle of San Jacinto, force Santa Anna to sign a treaty, and gain independence
War With Mexico Texans vote to join Union Opinion of Americans mixed Texas joins Union in 1845 as a slave state Mexico breaks diplomatic relations with U.S. U.S. offers to pay for New Mexico and CA Mexico refuses Blood shed in disputed territory War begins!!
Bear Flag Revolt American settlers in CA U.S. uses an aggressive military strategy to head west Meanwhile, CAs easily defeat Mexican forces Declare CA to be independent Republic of California U.S. forces arrive and gain control of CA U.S. forces overwhelm Mexican forces in U.S. and Mexico
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1. Mexico gives up TX 2. Mexican Cession: U.S. gets land in present day CA, NV, UT, WY, CO, AZ, NM 3. US pays Mexico $15M 4. Gadsden Purchase Nevada Colorado Utah Area in red: Mexican Cession Area in orange: Gadsden Purchase California Arizona New Mexico
The California Gold Rush 1848 Gold found at Sutter’s sawmill Secret got out – arrive from Eu., As, S.A., East C. 80,000 move to CA in 1849 (miners, businessmen) Rise of CA cities 1850 31st State
Pop Quiz!! 4 points. 1 paragraph. What is Manifest Destiny? Explain how the United States acquired Texas and additional land along the Southwest coast in the mid 19th century.