Welcome to English Language Arts YMS Curriculum Night
Curriculum- Quarter 1 Outcome Students will utilize the writing process in order to compose an informational/explanatory text. Preview topic Organizational patterns Format (charts, graphs, etc) Facts, definitions, concrete details Transitions, text structure signal words, Concluding statement
Curriculum- Quarter 2 Outcomes Students will analyze how literary elements of a narrative work together in order to create meaning for the reader. Theme, characterization, perspectives, plot diagram, conflict, setting Using text evidence Compare/contrast a film to a novel
Curriculum- Quarter 3 Outcomes Students will… compare and contrast fiction to its historical account research a time period in history write a historical fiction narrative
Curriculum- Quarter 4 Outcomes Students will… Identify multiple arguments in a text, recognizing differing perspectives, and state a claim. Analyze (listen to) and articulate (present) an argument.
Curriculum- Year long Outcomes Comprehend grade level material Determine meaning of words via affixes and context clues Write routinely over extended and shorter time frames Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions Apply standard English conventions when writing or speaking.
Assessments Summative assessments may include the following: Essay Narrative Speaking/listening assessment Test Portfolio Presentation Summative assessments will be graded using a traditional grading scale. 90-100%- A 80-89%- B 70-79%-C 60-69%- D 59% and below- F
Learning Philosophy Work completed in class and/or homework are considered learning activities. These are intended to develop and strengthen skills They are practice for summative assessments and will not be awarded points that influence the overall grade
Formative Assessments -will be given feedback based on the following scale NC- not complete CP- complete -outcome and component based -allow for practice leading up to summative assessments -reinforce key skills
Book Club Titles Realistic Fiction Honest Truth Bounce Jeremy Fink and the Meaning Life The Outsiders Heart of the Champion Curveball: The Year I Lost My Grip Notes from the Midnight Driver
Book Club Titles- Advanced Realistic Fiction The Impossible Knife of Memory I’ll Be There Trouble Golden Boy Hate List
READ Students should be reading at home EVERY NIGHT in addition to assigned learning activities.
Momentous Memos Options: Write a message to your child on the notecard. Options: Give a piece of school advice. Share a memory you have of being a middle school student. Write an important quote. Draw a picture of an inside joke. Place the notecard in your child’s folder. When your child uses their folder, they will have a pleasant surprise from you!