Status and Interest of the X-ray FEL SINAP


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Presentation transcript:

Status and Interest of the X-ray FEL projects @ SINAP Qiang Gu for the project team Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics

SXFEL-HX User facility SXFEL-SX Test facility SINAP FEL ROADMAP 100 10 0.1 nm 103 1990 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 104 105 106 year 1995 1 SXFEL-HX User facility SXFEL-SX User facility SXFEL-SX Test facility DCLS SDUVFEL Short wavelength SFEL long wavelength SERL THz based on e-

Shanghai X-ray FEL test Facility Linac Radiator Bunch charge (nC) 0.5 Beam energy (GeV) 0.84 Bunch length (ps, FWHM) ≤ 1.0 Norm. emit. (mm.mrad, rms) < 2.0 Energy spread (rms) < 0.15% Rep-rate (Hz) 1-10 Peak current (A) ≥ 500 Scheme HGHG-HGHG/ EEHG-HGHG Harmonics 6 × 5 FEL wavelength (nm) 8.8 FEL pulse length (fs) < 100fs FEL power (MW) >100

Key components PC gun C band acc. system Undulator unit

Schedule 2013.2, Approval of the feasibility study 2014.5, Approval of the preliminary study 2014.10, Ground breaking 2015.10, Utility installation starts 2016.6, Linac installation starts 2016.9, Linac commissioning starts 2016.12, First Lasing

Shanghai X-ray FEL User Facility Zhangjiang Integrated National Science Center was approved by the central government in Feb. 2016. Advanced scientific and technological infrastructure will be established in the center. The Shanghai X-ray FEL user facility is an important part of the center. The user facility will be constructed based on the test facility with some major upgrade. Parameters Undulator I Undulator II Unit E-beam energy 1.5 GeV Bunch charge ~0.5 ~0.25 nC Nor. Emittance ≤1.5 umrad Peak current ≥700 A FEL wavelength ~3 ~2 nm FEL pulse length ~100 ~300 fs FEL peak power ≥100 MW

Linac upgrade : 1 S band, 4 C band and 1 X band RF station added Radiator upgrade: 7 undulators units added

SSRF SXFEL test facility SXFEL user facility SXFEL

Hard X-ray FEL user facility The project proposal of Hard X- ray FEL user facility has been reviewed by the expert committee for National Development and Reform Committee of central government. The project now is one of the candidates of the Major National Science and Technology Projects of the 13th five-year plans (2016~2020) in China. Parameters Value Wavelength (nm) 0.1/0.06 Bunch charge (pC) 250 e- Energy (GeV) 6 Norm. emit. (umrad) 0.4 Energy spread (sliced) 0.01 Pulse length (fs) 100 Peak current (kA) 3 ρ 3.41*10-4 Peak power (GW) 10 Peak brightness 2*1033 Rep. rate (Hz) 50

Injector is based on the S band technology Injector is based on the S band technology. C band and X band Linac scheme with different gradient have been compared. eSASE, self-seeding and other operating scheme are under evaluation to generate fully coherent, ultra shot hard X-ray FEL.

X band system Klystrons (delivered to SINAP in 2017) Toshiba E37115 (11.424GHz, 6MW, 2/6.5us(RF/HV)) CPI VKX-8311B (11.424GHz, 50MW, 1.5us) 1m TWS with SLED for linearizer of soft X-ray FEL test facility and for CLIC-collaboration 0.75m*2 TDS for soft bunch length measurement of soft X-ray FEL user facility High gradient issues/high power RF components, such as design, manufacture High power test system integration and experiment Phase and amplitude stability improvement Wake field optimization and wake field monitor for alignment Two stage/high efficiency RF compression

Test facility for hard X-ray FEL R&D The SDUV-FEL will be shutdown this summer and some components will be moved to SXFEL. A project proposal on X band system R&D should be approved soon by the Minister of Science and Technology. We hope to build an new test facility on RF gun test, X band system test, beam measurement and manipulation, which could be used to evaluate new methods and techniques for the hard X-ray FEL facility.