Vitrified human ovaries have fewer primordial follicles and produce less antimüllerian hormone than slow-frozen ovaries Ozgur Oktem, M.D., Ebru Alper, M.D., Basak Balaban, M.Sc., Erhan Palaoglu, M.D., Kamil Peker, M.D., Cengiz Karakaya, Ph.D., Bulent Urman, M.D. Fertility and Sterility Volume 95, Issue 8, Pages 2661-2664.e1 (June 2011) DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2010.12.057 Copyright © 2011 Terms and Conditions
Figure 1 (A) Primordial follicle density. Graph bars represent the mean number ± standard deviation of primordial follicles in the groups. Each sample was serially sectioned at 7 micron thickness and primordial follicles were counted in every fifth section (35 microns apart) to obtain a mean value (per mm2 of tissue surface) from all sections. Each group included 15 samples. Vitrified ovaries contained statistically significantly fewer primordial follicles compared with the fresh and slow-frozen ovaries (P<.05 by ANOVA and multiple comparison post hoc test. aP>.05; bP<.0001; cP<.001). (B) Histologic assessment of fresh and frozen-thawed ovaries. The structure of primordial follicles in slow-frozen ovaries was preserved compared with vitrified slices. In contrast, abnormal morphologic features, characterized by contraction of ooplasm of the oocytes along with granulosa cells, were more frequently observed in the primordial follicles of vitrified ovaries. (A panel, magnification: ×320; B panel ×160. Scale bars: 100 microns.) (C) Antimüllerian hormone (AMH) production from fresh and frozen-thawed ovaries in culture. Mean AMH production from vitrified ovaries after 3-day culture period was statistically significantly lower than in fresh and slow-frozen strips. (Graph bars: P<.05 by Kruskal-Wallis and multiple comparison posthoc test. aP>.05; bP<.05; cP<.05). (D) AMH production from fresh and frozen-thawed ovaries in culture. Daily AMH production as shown in the curves was statistically significantly lower in vitrified samples compared with fresh and slow-frozen slices. (E, F) Estradiol production from fresh and frozen-thawed ovaries in culture. (E) Mean estradiol production (graph bar) and (F) daily estradiol production (curves) from slow-frozen and vitrified ovaries were comparable but were statistically significantly lower than from fresh (P>.05, ANOVA. aP<.05; bP<.05; cP>.05). Fertility and Sterility 2011 95, 2661-2664.e1DOI: (10.1016/j.fertnstert.2010.12.057) Copyright © 2011 Terms and Conditions