Roger M. Jones The University of Manchester and Cockcroft Inst. WP 12.4 HOMBPM Roger M. Jones The University of Manchester and Cockcroft Inst.
Various Developments A new WP12 public website has been prepared, which will be used to capture all external publicity we are developing as part of our activities, weblink can be found here: We are requested to supply info on pubs and workshops organized. EUCARD-2 Annual Review meeting is scheduled for 19-21 May 2014 at DESY - be prepared to attend this. As part of this review we have been allocated 2 highlight talks. We also have a 2-3 hour slot available during this meeting devoted to WP activities. WP12 will have its own Annual Review in early April 2014. A 1.5 day meeting, starting at lunchtime on the first day, with sessions devoted to the respective Tasks running throughout the following day, closing at around 5PM, with a dinner arranged in the evening of the first day and a facility tour arranged for the attendees. Ulla, Nicoleta, please update your availability here: Venue to be decided. HOMSC12 has been published in NIMA: I just received notice from Slava that HOMSC14 has been approved by the DoE. It will be in FNAL from July 14-16, 2014. Please make plans to attend. He will set up a website with registration and programme in a few days.
Admin. The +20% increase in funds indicated by J.P Koutchouk has resulted in a poll requesting means to distribute to GB members -options include transferring money to all participants, to larger institutes (DESY, CERN etc), to EuCARD2 (to provide waivers to fees necessary for meetings etc). I have voted! In summary: “in all cases, we intend to transfer 5000CHF to EuCARD2, to support the publication of monographs reporting on EuCARD research. The solution which meets the largest amount of votes received before the deadline will be chosen after a unique round of votation.”
Deliverables & Milestones D12.4.1 (M48 –April 2017) Summary report comprising complete HOM characterisation of the XFEL cryomodules comparing measurements with simulations, defining the electronics requirements for the beam position measurement system and its subsequent validation. Milestones Task 12.4.2 (M24 –April 2015) Completed characterisation of HOMs in the 8-cavity XFEL 3HC module. Task 12.4.1 ((M24 –April 2015) ) Cold S¬21 measurements on XFEL modules. Task 12.4.1 (M36 –April 2016) Beam-based measurements on XFEL modules performed. Task 12.4.3 (M36 –April 2016) Completed coupled cavity simulations of 8-cavity module.
Summary EUCARD-2 Annual Review meeting is scheduled for 19-21 May 2014 at DESY WP12 will have its own Annual Review in early April 2014. HOMSC14 will be in FNAL from July 14-16, 2014. Send me any pubs for the duration of EuCARD2 (April 2013 onwards) –PRST-AB pub T. Flisgen et al almost complete! Next meeting, March 2014 to discuss plans for WP 12 Review.