The Patient Kingdom MATTHEW 13
The Parable MATTHEW 13:24-30 The enemy acts and seems to gain advantage. The servants want to act as well. The master commands patience. The master’s patience is not endless.
Wheat & Weeds “The bearded darnel is a devil of a weed. … Known in biblical terms as ‘tares,’ bearded darnel has no virtues. Its roots surround the roots of good plants, sucking up precious nutrients and scarce water, making it impossible to root it out without damaging the good crop. Above ground, darnel looks identical to wheat, until it bears seed. Those seeds can cause everything from hallucinations to death.” Feasting on the Word Commentary
God’s kingdom is not sown in a pristine field. The Kingdom’s Enemy MATTHEW 13:25, 38-39a Evil is real. Evil is intentional. Evil has consequence in the lives of men. God’s kingdom is not sown in a pristine field.
The Experienced Master MATTHEW 13:27-30 Servants are not sure what to do next. Servants cannot distinguish wheat and weed. Only the experienced master knows. How often to you attempt to sort people?
Future certainty leads to present behavior. The Certain Kingdom MATTHEW 13:36-43 The master does not share the servants’ fear. God’s harvest is not threatened by evil. “The Son of Man will send his angels … The righteous will shine like the sun …” Future certainty leads to present behavior.
The Patient Kingdom MATTHEW 13:29 “No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them.” God is patient because he wants his harvest. God is patient and that is good for me! God is patient and so must we be.
The Harvest Kingdom Our job is to labor, not to fret about which labor will have the best pay out. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9