4. Intellectual Property and Ethics on the Web 85
Intellectual property is defined as the legal rights that result from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary, and artistic fields. 85
Copyright means the right to copy Copyright means the right to copy. Copyright protects the expression of original ideas, but not the ideas themselves. 86
Common misconception that registration is required to obtain copyright. In fact, copyright is secured automatically upon creation of an original literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work. 86
Copyright Infringement Copyright infringement typically occurs when a person does something that only the owner of the copyright has the right to do, without the consent of the copyright owner. Plagiarism Handout 88
Protecting Your Content and Respecting Others 90
6 Levels of Creative Commons Licenses Attribution Attribution Share Alike Attribution No Derivatives Attribution Non-Commercial Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 91
Internet Tools to Protect Your Content We anticipate that recovery to be very location and price specific in Marin. 93
Copyscape 93
Someone took my content. Now what? Contact the individual and politely ask him or her to remove the content or give you proper attribution. If the individual doesn’t want to remove the material or give you attribution, contact your lawyer. Use the Internet Archive if there is a question as to when the content was published. 94
Web Site and Blogging Policies They set expectations. They talk about how you deal with problems. They talk about how you deal with Flamers and Internet Trolls. They talk about how you deal with spam. 94
Social Media Landmines Always make sure that your brokerage name and contact information are apparent on every electronic communication you make. Be careful about posting information about your meetings with clients or other real estate professionals. Don’t complain, brag, or even talk about your client’s reactions to property. 95