In the words of... The Outsiders
Greaser Poor Kids from the East Side Have “greasy” hair; trouble makers
Socials (Socs) Rich kids from the West Side “Preppy” dressers, never in trouble
Sayings used in The Outsiders “You Dig?” Are you OK with that? “Let’s Split!” Get out of here “Shut your trap!” Be quiet
Boozed 1 To be under the influence of alcohol Booze = Alcohol
Broad An attractive girl/boy
Cooler Jail / Prison
Cancer Stick Cigarette
Cheesy Cat Cheshire Cat You are mischievous, up to no good.
Hacked Off To be mad or angry
Heater Hand gun
Hood Criminal
Hot Recently stolen item
Fly An attractive girl
Fuzz Police or law enforcement
Jumped To be attacked; the greasers describe this as attacks by the Socs.
Lift To steal, shoplift, or pick-pocket.
Lighting Up Smoking
Lone It To do something alone
Rank Something uncool and not fun
Rolled To have been robbed or to have robbed
Rumble A gang fight
Savvy You understand
Scrap To Fight
Slugged Punched
Switchblade hand knife used to defend or show off, usually opening at the push of a button
Tuff Something Cool
Weed Drug; refers to cigarettes in novel.
Woffin 1 To joke; to be kidding
Wise Cracker Smart Alic