What is Avogadro's Number?
Let’s look at the numbers… What is a million? 1000 thousands OR 1,000,000 What is a billion? 1000 millions OR 1,000,000,000 What is a trillion? 1000 billions OR 1,000,000,000,000 What is Avogadro’s number? 6.02x1023 OR 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 600 trillion billions!
Avogadro’s Number Is the number of atoms (for an element) or molecules (for a compound) in ONE mole of a substance. It is simply a quantity.
Examples 1 mole is MORE than ALL of the stars in ALL of the galaxies in ALL of the universe.
MORE examples IF you had one mole (6.02x1023) donuts… It would cover the entire Earth 5 miles deep!
One last example: If you received one mole (6.02x1023) of pennies on the day you were born… and you spent $1,000,000 PER second for 100 YEARS… on the day you died you would still have 99.99% of the money you received the day you were born.
Avogadro’s Number Is a QUANTITY used to compare really small stuff to other really small stuff.