Please Get a Verb Phrases Sheet From the Green Chair!
The outsiders
Verb Phrases A verb phrase is made up of a main verb and one or more helping verbs Helping verb examples: might have, will, was Main verb examples: eaten, read, running Verb phrase examples: might have eaten, will read, was running
Can some words be helping verbs or main verbs? YES
Words that can be main verbs or helping verbs Do Has Does Have Am Is Be Were Example: I will do my homework. (Do=main verb) Example: I do regret that comment. (Do=helping verb)
Do helping verbs have to be next to main verbs in a verb phrase NO
Times when helping verbs are separate from main verbs in verb phrases: I do not usually sleep late. Caroline is probably sitting upstairs.
Please clear your desk of everything but a pen or pencil
What, according to Cherry, is the difference between the Socs and Greasers (besides money)? Does Ponyboy agree?
What does Ponyboy tell Cherry about that he’s never told anyone else What does Ponyboy tell Cherry about that he’s never told anyone else? Why do you think Cherry gets so quiet after he tells her this?
How does Ponyboy describe his relationship with Darry How does Ponyboy describe his relationship with Darry? Why does he feel the need to insult Johnny after this?
What does Ponyboy say isn’t fair?
What does Cherry and the other Socs do that humiliates Ponyboy?
Why does Darry get mad at Ponyboy and what does this cause Darry to do?
How does Ponyboy respond to Darry’s reaction?
We’re going to have a town meeting We will be discussing: The Greaser Gang The Soc Gang The crimes different characters have committed We will be debating The punishments those crimes deserve
We’re going to have a town meeting, BUT WE’RE NOT GOING TO BE OURSELVES.
Work with your group to brainstorm as many people as you can think of that would attend one of these meetings It should include the characters of the book, but also the “silent” characters (mostly adults) that are essential to the book/functionality of the town, but are not explicitly mention by S.E. Hinton
Please form a circle with your chairs
What is an example of justice?
What is the difference between right and wrong?
Should a person’s life-style or home-life determine the kind of punishment he/she gets if he/she commits a crime?
Should age determine the kind of punishment he/she gets if he/she commits a crime?
Should number of previous offenses determine the kind of punishment he/she gets if he/she commits a crime?
Who has the power to determine the kind of justice each person is served?
Is it right to take justice into our own hands?
How could experiencing injustice change a person?
Based on your assigned character, fill out the top part of the packet
Read through the packet individually, and annotate it (make notes on it) This is what you will use to decide the punishments for each offense committed by either the Greasers or Socs at this town meeting It is based on both general American and Pennsylvanian law You will only have 10 minutes! These are the offenses we will be discussing today: Johnny: loitering Johnny and Two-bit: carrying a deadly weapon Ponyboy: loitering Dally: slashing tires Two-bit: getting in a bar fight Two-bit: shoplifting Randy and Bob: driving with beer in their car The Soc gang: harassing and assaulting Johnny Irresponsible parenting: Darry Dally: harassment
I will be S.E. Hinton in this situation—it’s up to me what punishment each character gets because I wrote the book I will always rule with a vote that is 2/3 majority Those presenting evidence, must reference specific parts of the book—exact quotes make for even stronger arguments After we finalize each sentence, record it in your packet, and write your reaction to that sentence Each crime will get five minutes on the floor. No one should speak for more than 30 seconds at a time