(1) What caused the German people to trust Hitler? Video: “THE PATH TO NAZI GENOCIDE” (19:40 – 37:25) (1) What caused the German people to trust Hitler? (2) Summarize the progression of Nazi persecution and murder towards Jewish peoples after the invasion of the Soviet Union?
Questions to Consider: (1) How did the Nazis encourage support for the Holocaust? (2) To what extent were average German citizens aware of the Holocaust? (3) How was this accomplished?
Propaganda “You will think the way I tell you to think.”
Huge rallies were staged and broadcast via radio Hitler ordered all but the official Nazi radio transmission to be cancelled. There was no television, computer, cell phone or other electronic visual technology in the home. “We are yours” is depicted in the stadium.
** “The Law for the protection of German blood and German honor” Nuremberg Laws ** Describe the progression in discrimination … 1935 – Denied citizenship of German Jews Civil Rights taken away!!!! ** “The Law for the protection of German blood and German honor”
Jewish Persecution 1935 – Prohibition of political office & voting 1936 – Banned from being teachers, farmers, civil workers, and journalists 1938 – Banned from practicing law & medicine
** What happens during Kristallnacht? - Nov. 9 – 10, 1938 - Deliberate violence towards Jewish people of Germany - Murders - Destruction of property A synagogue burns in Siegen, Germany, on November 10, 1938. Kristallnacht.
1939 German soldiers brutalizing a Jew in the street.
Ghettos - Jewish quarters of cities where inhabitants were forced to live in close confines. - Miserable conditions, little food Starting in 1943 the Ghettos were destroyed. Inhabitants were either killed or shipped to extermination camps.
Jewish transfer
Forced Labor Camps Starting in 1938, private German citizens & the German government began exploiting Jewish citizens. Forced Labor!! More than 1 million Jewish men & women
** Why did the U.S. and other countries not allow more Jewish immigrants? St. Louis Affair, May 27, 1939
** Why did the U.S. and other countries not allow more Jewish immigrants? - Quotas - Denied admission to anybody “likely to be a public charge …” - High unemployment rates - Existing anti-Semitism St. Louis Affair, May 27, 1939
“Generalplan Ost” “Master Plan East” (1) Based upon the policy of Lebensraum designed (2) Extermination of Nazis and Slavic peoples to establish Hitler’s master, “Aryan Race” (3) And Hitler’s belief in “autarky,” a nation had to be complete self-sufficient Oil from Romania Wheat and agriculture from the Ukraine
Humiliation, brutality, then murder… “You are ordered to kill Jews.”
Operation Barbarossa ** Operation Barbarossa is meant to accomplish what exactly? Largest military operation, land invasion, and number of casualties in the history of warfare. Consequence: Opens up the Eastern Front
There were four special military units Einsatzgruppen who carried out the massacres of Jews in the Soviet Union. ** The deploying of the Einsatzgruppen occurs after which military operation?
March, 1941
This man is being shot by an SS officer, to fall into the grave with the rest of the bodies.
A mass execution of Jews in Nazi occupied Soviet Union. [Einsatzgruppen detail]
Main entrance to Auschwitz “Work makes one free.” ** What was the purpose behind the “Final Solution?” - Increasingly, Nazi leadership were worried about the emotional turmoil the effect of mass shootings had upon German soldiers - Began a desire for a more “systematic way” to deal with undesirables. Main entrance to Auschwitz “Work makes one free.”
Rail entrance to Auschwitz, end of the line.
Extermination Camps Mostly located in Poland Chelmno Belzec Sobibor Treblinka Auschwitz-Birkenau Majdenak
Internees Jewish people Roma (Gypsies) Polish resistance Homosexuals Physically & Mentally Handicapped “Left” of center politicians Catholic Clergy Jehovah’s Witnesses Soviet POWs (prisoners of war)
- Extermination facilities built at many of the concentration camps - Designed to kill thousands of people daily
Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp The gas chambers are in the back; crematorium smoke stacks in the front.
“Burning pits" at Auschwitz in the summer of 1944, when so many thousands were exterminated that the furnaces couldn't handle all the corpses.
Crematorium at Auschwitz; dynamited by the SS attempting to hide their extermination program that killed millions.
A pile of the victims' glasses at Auschwitz.
Mountains of shoes in Auschwitz Mountains of shoes in Auschwitz. All personal property of the victims was confiscated to be given to Germany.
384 pounds of gold and silver teeth found in a secret vault.
It began with hatred and humiliation.
"THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. THEN THEY CAME for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. THEN THEY CAME for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. THEN THEY CAME for me and by that time no one was left to speak up.“ - Martin Niemoller, Lutheran Pastor