War on the Horizon Hitler signs non-aggression pact with USSR US sells bomber to France War on the Horizon Hitler invades the rest of Czechoslovakia Hitler began to plan for the invasion of Poland
Hitler Invades Poland With the non-aggression pact signed, Hitler did not have to worry about attack from the Eastern Front Hitler launches Blitzkrieg on Poland Britain & France finally declare war USSR would get: ½ Poland Baltic States Blitzkrieg, meaning lightning war, uses air assault, followed by a quick moving tank assault, followed by ground troops who occupied the recently conquered land US was still technically neutral, but started to help more US started the Cash & Carry program
Europe Becomes More Ominous At this point most people in the USA wanted to stay out of the war, but FDR knew the USA would have to get involved USSR invades Finland (1940) Germany invades Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium & France (1940) German troops corner French and British troops at Dunkirk (France) Troops escape across the English Channel in what would be largest evacuation in history
Britain is All Alone One Week after Dunkirk Germany occupied France A new government, Vichy France, was formed and began to collaborate with Germany On June 22nd, 1940, France officially surrendered to Germany The surrender of France left only Britain to face the Germans and Italians The German Luftwaffe (air force) began a ruthless air-campaign of bombing cities and industrial centers in Britain. This was known as the Battle of Britain
USA Sheds Becomes More Involved Selective Service Act is passed – 1st peace-time draft (Sept. 1940) Men age 21-35 were required to register 16 million signed up USA would help Britain win the war by becoming the “Arsenal for Democracy” US begins Lend-Lease program USA would loan war material to Britain and worry about payment later