Chapter 7 Organometallics: Group I & II Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Chapter 7 Organometallics: Group I & II Grignard reagents: RMgX Rd--d+MgX; X = I > Br > Cl preparation: Rd+-Xd- + Mgo RMgX in ether or THF commercially available: R = Me, Et, Ph, allyl, vinyl, benzyl less reactive vinyl/aryl halides made in more basic THF activated Mg0: I2, (CH2X)2, MgX2 with Na0/K0 formation mechanism: SET from Mg0; 621 top aryl/vinyl/cyclopropyl halides: dianions; 622 top 5-ring from 5-hexenyl bromide and Mg0: radical intermediates racemization except cyclopropyl & vinly Grignards Schlenk equilibrium in solution: 623 middle monomeric or dimeric complexes with solvents: 624 Fig. 7.1 factors: concentration, solvent, types of halide & R Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Grignards: Mechanism of Formation Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Grignards: Mechanism of Formation Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Organolithium Reagents (I) Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Organolithium Reagents (I) Preparation: Rd+-Xd- + 2 Lio Rd-Lid+ + LiX radical transfer: naphthalene, DTBB, LDMAN; 625 top reduction of sulfides: a-lithio ethers/sulfides; 625 middle aggregate structure in solvation: 626 Fig. 7.2 higher aggregates in hydrocarbons, lower aggregates in ethers & monomers in strong donor solvents (TMEDA, HMPA, DMPU) Deprotonation: hydrogen-metal exchange acidity of hydrogens: 627 bottom directing (chelating) groups: 629 Scheme 7.1 Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Organolithium Reagents: Preparation (II) Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Organolithium Reagents: Preparation (II) Preparation with RLi: BuLi < s-BuLi < t-BuLi directed a-metallation: chelating donor groups: 630 top b-metallation with amides: 631 top without directing groups: BuLi & KOtBu; 631 bottom halogen-metal exchange: 2 eq. RLi; 632 top toward more stable alkenyl/aryllithiums: 633 Scheme 7.2 high degree of retention: vinyl & cyclopropyl lithiums metal-metal exchange: vinyl-SnR3; 634 top retention of chiral carbanions: 634 bottom vinyl lithium from the Shapiro reaction: 631 middle Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Alkylation Reactions of RLi & RMgX Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Alkylation Reactions of RLi & RMgX RLi: competing with e--transfer & elimination good yields: 1o iodides with HMPA; 635 top delocalized RLi: high degree of inversion; 635 middle alkenyllithiums: retention of configuration; 635 middle allylic halides: good yields with mostly SN2’; 635 bottom 1,3-/1,4-/1,5-diiodides: 3-/4-/5-rings; 636 top R3SiX/R3SnX + R’Li R3SiR’/R3SnR’ RMgX: less reactive than RLi; 636 bottom good with reactive E+: MeX, allyl-X, BnX, R-SO3-R’ Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Reactions of RMgX with Carbonyls (I) Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Reactions of RMgX with Carbonyls (I) Alcohols: additions; 639 Scheme 7.3 A-E RCHO/RCOR’: single addition; 1o to 3o, 637 top RCOX (X=L): double addition; 2o to 3o alcohols, 637 mid hydride transfer: reduction with bulky substrates; 642 top more additions: in PhH/PhMe or use of RLi; 642 middle enolization with ROMgX: no addition reaction; 642 bot RCO2H with CO2: 640 Scheme 7.3 section H Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Reactions of RMgX with Carbonyls (II) Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Reactions of RMgX with Carbonyls (II) Ketones or aldehydes: 639-640 Scheme 7.3 F-G addition to R-CN: via an imine Mg salt; 637 bottom excess R-COCl at low temp in THF: 638 top other R-CO-X producing ketones: 640 entries 16-19 aldehydes from orthoformates: 638 middle; section F aldehydes from formamides: 638 bottom Barbier reaction: in-situ formation & reaction; 644 middle Isomerization: allyl/homoallyl-MgX; 643 top no equilibrium in the 5-hexenyl system: 643 bottom Amines by addition to imines: 640 Scheme 7.3 I Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Reactions of RLi with Carbonyls Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Reactions of RLi with Carbonyls Similar reactivity to RMgX: 646-7 Scheme 7.4 A-E a,b-Enones: 1,2- vs 1,4-addition; 644 bottom highly reactive RLi vs catalytic amount of HMPA (Cu+1) Ketones from RCO2H: 645 top & entries 11-13 better yields with TMSCl: reduced carbinols; 645 middle unsymmetrical ketones with CO2: tandem; 645 middle acid chlorides/anhydrides: 647 entries 14 & 15 from amides: Weinreb amides; 645 bottom Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Addition of RLi: Synthesis of Ketones Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Addition of RLi: Synthesis of Ketones Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Addition to Carbonyls: Stereochemistry Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Addition to Carbonyls: Stereochemistry Steric bias: equatorial approach; 648 middle increased selectivity with added salts: LiClO4 Acyclic carbonyls: Cram’s rule; 648 bottom chelation control: a-alkoxylketones/aldehydes; 649 mid Enantioselective addition: 649 bottom Mg salt of TADDOL: chiral additive (stoichiometric) lower ee for saturated alkyl ketones Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Chelation Control in Addition to Carbonyls Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Chelation Control in Addition to Carbonyls Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Organozinc Compounds: R2Zn & RZnX Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Organozinc Compounds: R2Zn & RZnX Less e--positive Zn: less nucleophilic than RMgX/RLi Preparation: ZnX2 + 2 RLi/RMgX R2Zn one-pot process: sonication of [RX + Mg0 + ZnCl2] RX + activated Zn0 (Rieke method) or Zn-Cu: 650 bottom metal-halogen exchange: functionalized R; 651 middle efficient catalysis by MnBr2, CuCl or Ni(acac)2: 651 bottom zinc-boron exchange: R2Zn-BR’3; 652 top & middle stereoselective synthesis: retention; 652 middle addition to alkynes by catalysts: alkenylzinc; 652 bottom Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Reactions of Organozinc Compounds Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Reactions of Organozinc Compounds Addition to carbonyls: less effective with ketones activation with MgX2: catalysis with Ti(i-OPr)4 or TMSCl promoted addition with TMSCl: 653 top addition to acyl chlorides: 657 top enantioselective addition to aldehydes: 656 middle chelation control by chiral amino alcohols: 653 bottom Reformatsky reaction: 657 bottom & 660 Scheme 7.5 ‘zincates’: more reactive; [Li]/[Mg], 659 bottom olefination of ketone/ester: alkene/enol ether; 661 middle Lombardo’s reagent: Zn, CH2Br2 & TiCl4 : 661 middle Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Organocadmium Compounds Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Organocadmium Compounds Preparation: CdX2 + 2 RLi/RMgX R2Cd RX + activated Cd0 (Rieke method) from CdX2: 661 bot Less e--positive Cd: similar reactivity to [Zn] synthesis of ketones from acyl chlorides: 662 top toxic cadmium compounds!! Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Organomercury Compounds Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Organomercury Compounds Preparation: HgX2 + 2 RLi/RMgX R2Hg oxymercuration: functionalized R; 294-8 boron-Hg exchange: 1o alkyl groups; 662 bottom alkenylmercury: from hydroboration of alkynes; 662 bottom Weakly nucleophilic: reactive E+; 663 top no reactions with aldehydes/ketones reactions of alkenylmercuries with acid chlorides addition activated by Lewis acids to alkenes: 663 middle Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Organoindium Compounds Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Organoindium Compounds Easier to be oxidized than Mg: efficient e- donors allylic halide + aldehydes + In0: 663 bottom cyclic TS: In(I); 664 top reactions possible in aqueous solution: 664 middle reactions with functionalized substrates: 664 middle chelated TS with a-donor substituents Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7
Organocerium Reagents Advanced Org Chem-Carey B Fall 2002 Organocerium Reagents Preparation: CeCl3 + RLi/RMgX RCeCl2 + LiCl efficient addition to carbonyls with acidic a-protons/sterically hindered ketones: anhydrous CeCl3 required; 665 mid retention of strong nucleophilicity & reduced basicity catalytic CeCl3 (5-10 mol%): better yields; 665 bottom efficient addition to carboxylates: 2 CeCl3; 666 top addition to amides: ketones; 666 middle excellent reactivity for nitriles & imines: 666 middle Carey B-Chap7-5ed Chapter 7