Document Generation QRG
Document Generation The purpose is to create, select, import and customize documents from the data in the MyWay application To Begin: Select the document from your saved documents on your PC that you would like to add into the MyWay Application. (Ex. Return to work; Referral Letter). After you have selected that document that you would like to modify or either create, you will then need to go to the MyWay application.
Document Generation Click on List Editor
Document Generation Click on the + to expand the System List
Document Generation Click on Document Generation to open the Document Generation window
Document Generation Click on the New Button to start creating the Document Generation
Document Generation The Document Generation window opens and then Word will open in the background. 3 1 2 The Document Generation window shows the name of the File in MyWay, the name of the File in Word, and the list of Valid Field Names to use in the Word Document.
Document Generation Click New Document and a new Word Document opens in the background for you to edit.
Document Generation Click Open Existing… to choose a Word Document from the files to open and edit.
Document Generation Double click the Valid Field Name in the Document Generation window to have it populated in the document
Document Generation When finished with the edits click OK to import the document into MyWay.
Document Generation The imported Document Generation is now saved in MyWay ready for use. **To edit this document later click Modify and follow the same steps.**