10TH LX Navigation Cup 6th Day 05 May 2017
Daily winners: Mixed 15m: Mixed Open: Stefano Ghiorzo Janez Stariha 2nd 3rd Attila Korom Mixed Open: Wolfgang Janowitsch Bostjan Pristavec 1st 2nd 3rd Zoltán Verebélyi & JR
Weather Briefing 05th May 2017 00Z
Forecast 00Z+12h 12Z
Forecast 00Z+24h 00Z+24h
Forecast 00Z+36h +36h
Weather: Scoring: Weather info: meteo.aeroclubalfoldi.hu Upload your .igc file onto the web: http://lxcup2017.aeroclubalfoldi.hu/igc-file-upload or via e-mail to gergely.noll@gmail.com Every day you can find the briefing presentation on the web page (Documents and Rules).