Law and Order (… was not just a TV show) Ancient Egypt Law and Order (… was not just a TV show)
Ancient Egypt – when? Old Kingdom c. 3050- Middle Kingdom New Kingdom c. 1550-1070 BCE … . Ptolemaic [kings named Ptolemy]: Greek dynasty 305-30 BCE (Cleopatra is last one) (used in the reading by Manning)
Ma‘at (or Maat) Divine order Order in the universe (nature) and in society Harmony: maintain proper relations Defines responsibility for both rulers and subjects
The Goddess Maat
The Offering of Maat (or Presentation of Maat)
Ramses III presenting Maat to Osiris
Temple of Karnak
Temple of Karnak
Scribes Horemheb (after Tut) 14C
Tomb of Rekhmire, vizier, 1400s BCE
Rekhmire, vizier, 1400s BCE "in session to listen (to cases) in the hall of the vizier” "dispensing justice impartially and attentive to satisfying both parties, judging between the poor and the rich in the same way, no petitioner crying because of him.” Impartial and fair Thutmose III. In ANET. …
The Afterlife in The Book of the Dead L, heart in canopic jar; R, feather upright & curving to top left
The Contending (Contest) of Horus and Seth Seth L. had Upper Egypt (South); Horus (R.) had Lower (N.)