1. TOPIC How to work collaboratively with clients from visible minority backgrounds to ensure the protection and well being of children
2.A)POWER AND POWERLESSNESS B) How the imbalance of power has affected the relationship between the CAS agencies and their clients, particularly those of minority cultural background C) What are the issues and how can we engage our minority clientele in collaboratively working environment?
D) Implication for child welfare practice Definition of Power in this context: The ability to induce changes in the behaviour/action of others with an underlying threat of sanctions if the intended change or action is not effected
3. Who has Power? Child welfare institutions represented by its workers,entrusted with the legal authority or mandate to ensure that children are protected from abuse by their caregivers A representation of the authority of the state
Characteristics of the Powerful Institutions i.e. the CASs Entrusted with a legal mandate or authority Ability to bear sanctions on the client if not compliant Support from other state agencies like the police and the court, all of which help to effect sanctions on the clients if t he intended change of behaviour or action is not effected Generally well educated with extensive knowledge and skills within the context of the dominant culture Reflective of the values of the dominant group or culture Ability to communicate clearly and effectively in the dominant language Command respect in the community or society
4. Who are the Powerless? The CAS clients, in this context our focus is on clients from visible minority backgrounds
Characteristics of Visible Minorities in the Powerlessness Position Minority cultural background trying to adjust to the Canadian society Generally poor, immigrants in low income jobs struggling to meet the basic needs of their children and families Single parents working more than two or three jobs to survive Concentrated in low income areas “CAS client infested or dangerous areas.” Generally speak with accent Lack of respect from those of the dominant culture
6. Effects of imbalance of Power/Powerlessness (fear, anger, distrust, anxiety)
7. What are CAS workers doing that have caused the fear, anger and resistance? A) Pathology (definition of assertiveness, labeling of clients as being resistance, uncooperative etc.) B) Imposition of agency/personal values on families (it is women’s job) C) Impatience with clients (threatening clients with apprehension) D) Inappropriate use of agency’s authority E) Excessive use of court F) disregard for the strengths in the extended family ( Service provider wanting a family to obtain legal guardianship of a child before they can work with the family) G) Use of language (simple and non-judgmental, take much intrusive action against you. It is imperative, you have not been compliant with CAS plan, we will take an intrusive action) H) Racism and discrimination (sees the agency as part of the institutions discriminating against them) i) Lack of cultural understanding (culture which emphasizes respect, obedience from children)
8. How to engage clients from these backgrounds in order to protect the children? (Building relationship with clients) A) Anti-oppressive thinking (Greta) B) Language and Communication (Emmanuel) C) Advocacy for social justice (Michael) D) Seek help from community based organizations such as churches, temples, mosques (Michael) E) Influence and Negotiation (Judith) F) Respect for clients and their culture, Patience and Humility (Emmanuel) G) Open communication and Critical reflective thinking (Emmanuel)
Implications for Child Welfare Practice A) Training should emphasize adhering to certain core values – (Respect, Patience, Understanding and Humility to foster relation building) B) Review of agencies policies and procedures to reflect the value of collaboration C) Expand our mandate to include advocacy for our clients D) The use of the court system E) Social Support Network – Kinship care through the extended family system etc.