Students Helping Honduras Meeting 7: Please sign in
Words From Strings! Tie the strings to the marker Using the strings to guide the marker, write out “Students Helping Honduras!” No hands are allowed to touch the marker after strings are attached! First team to finish wins!
SHH Awareness Day was on November 2nd Video:
Updates: At our Thrift Shop event, we raised $487! We have a bracelet sale coming up on 11/9 from 11:30-1:30 at North Plaza. Kiosk for Manhattan Pizza 11/10 1 PM – 2 PM Manhattan Pizza Percent Night 11/10 5 PM- 9 PM, we will need people to hand out flyers! Volleyball event 11/19 1 PM – 5 PM, teams recruited? Lottery ticket stubs are due by December 1st!!! Should we hold “awareness days” more on campus?
Next Semester Info: Our last meeting is on 11/28 (4 meetings left) !!! We will start planning events for next semester in these last few weeks! Elections will be held a few weeks after our first Interest Meeting in Spring! We will focus on trip details and planning at the beginning of next semester. Meetings next semester will be on Thursday nights at 6 PM. Biweekly & Group activities
Today! Group Activity Ideas: Sign-Ups! Next Meeting is 11/14 7 PM Awareness Day Ideas: Next Meeting is 11/14 7 PM in HUB room 1 !!