Intervention Madness Fulton County Schools Summer Summit 2017 Make 1-4 credit cards
Today’s Trip to Mall Welcome & Introductions What is an Intervention? Shopping List Shopping Spree! Welcome and Intro 2 Minutes What is an intervention 2 minutes Station run through 8 minutes Stations- 8 per station Shopping Spree 5 minutes
What is an Intervention?
Store A Question Answer Relationship The big idea behind Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy is that there are essentially three types of comprehension (i.e., fact, integrate, inference). If students can identify the question type, they will be more likely to produce an appropriate answer. Students taught QAR outperformed controls by more than 30 percent on standardized comprehension tests. Prep 1 developed station with notes and prompts
Store B Incremental Rehearsal A student is presented with flashcards containing unknown items added in to a group of known items. Presenting known information along with unknown allows for high rates of success and can increase retention of the newly learned items, behavioral momentum and resulting time on task. Research shows that this technique can be used with sight/vocabulary words, simple math facts, letter names, and survival words/signs. In addition this technique can be used for other facts such as state capitals or the meaning of prefixes, suffixes, etc. Scripts and Math Flash Cards
Store C High Probability Request Sequence High-probability requests are one feasible classroom technique that can be effective in motivating students to engage in assigned classwork (Lee, 2006). The teacher first identifies an academic activity in which the student historically shows a low probability of completing because of non-compliance. The teacher then embeds within that low-probability activity an introductory series of simple, brief 'high-probability' requests or tasks that this same student has an established track record of completing (Belfiore, Basile, & Lee, 2008).
Store D Read Adapt Answer Comprehend The Reread-Adapt and Answer-Comprehend, or RAAC, intervention is designed to help improve students’ reading fluency and reading comprehension. The RAAC combines two common reading interventions, repeated reading and question generation, into one supplemental intervention. The RAAC intervention was developed in 2004 by Dr. William J. Therrien and has been featured in several peer-reviewed journal articles. The RAAC app was created to make this proven and reliable reading intervention available to anyone interested in helping their student improve their reading fluency and reading comprehension. The app breaks down this intervention into simple steps and will walk you through the entire process. You will be able to view a graph of your students’ progress. For those researchers out there, you will be able to download all the raw data from the app into a spreadsheet, allowing you to use it in the unique way you need.
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