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Objectives Identify legislation fundamental to NCAA Division I progress toward degree (PTD) and transfer certification. Identify basic policies and procedures of the Division I Academic Performance Program. Apply legislation and policies and procedures to real world examples. Establish best practices.
Outline PTD 101 2-4 and 4-4 transfers APP 101
PTD Basic requirements. Overview Good academic standing (NCAA Bylaw 14.01.2). Credit-hour requirements (Bylaw Percentage-of-degree requirements (Bylaw GPA requirements (Bylaw
PTD Bylaw 14.4.3 Designed to move SA toward graduation within five years of full-time collegiate enrollment. Ensures SA is functioning as a SA during each academic year. Exceptions and waivers are available.
Good Academic Standing Bylaws 14.01.2 and Determined by the institution for all students. “…good academic standing shall be a standard at least as demanding as the minimum standard applied to all students in order to participate in extracurricular activities at that institution.” August 9, 1995 interpretation
6/18/24 40/60/80 PTD Requirements GPA requirements. Credit-hour requirements. By term and academic year. Percentage-of-degree requirements. 90% entering second year of enrollment. 95% entering third year. 100% entering fourth year and later. 6/18/24 40/60/80
90% 95% 100% GPA Requirements Bylaw GPA requirement based on minimum GPA required for graduation at your institution. Must meet GPA benchmarks before the start of each regular academic term (based on full-time terms): By the start of second year – 90%. By the start of third year – 95%. By the start of fourth year and beyond – 100%. Transfer SAs. 90% 95% 100%
40/60/80 90/95/100 PTD Requirements Percent-of-degree. Credit Hour. Term vs. academic year. Percent-of-degree. GPA. 90/95/100 40/60/80 Six-hours each term. 18-/27-hours each academic year. First year only: 24-/36-hours.. Baseball and football.
Credit-Hour Requirements Bylaw Term requirement. Does not apply to part-time terms. Must be degree-applicable. Football! Six-hour Triggered if enrolled in any part of the regular academic year. Must be earned during regular academic year; Cannot use summer hours. Must be degree-applicable. 18-/27-hour First-year requirement. Must complete prior to second year of enrollment. Credit can apply to any degree. Can use summer prior and after first year of enrollment. 24-/36-hour
Credit-Hours – Sport Specific Football “9-/8- Hour” Rule Fall term only. Must earn APR point. Withheld from first four games of next season. Get back games by earning 27-/40- hours by start of next fall. Baseball Fall Eligibility If not eligible for fall, not eligible for spring. Can’t “get well” during fall term. Applies to all progress-toward-degree legislation.
Remedial Courses Bylaw May only count six hours of remedial credits toward credit-hour requirements. May only count if completed during first academic year of enrollment. Courses are not applicable toward a degree, so may not be used in percent-of-degree calculations.
Case Study – Credit Hours First year softball student-athlete. Did she meet 18? Do they need to be “degree applicable”? Do the remedial hours count? What if this was a football student-athlete? Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Summer 2016 6 credits 12 credits (3 remedial) 9 credits
Case Study – Credit Hours Incoming “mid-year” men’s tennis student-athlete. Did he meet 18-hour rule for 2015-16? How many hours does he need in spring 2017? Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Fall 2016 Spring 2017 Not enrolled. 15 credits 9 credits ?
90/95/100 6/18/24 PTD Requirements GPA requirements. Percentage-of-degree requirements. Credit-hour requirements. 90/95/100 6/18/24 40% entering third year of enrollment. 60% entering fourth year. 80% entering fifth year.
PTD Requirements Based on SA’s full-time terms of enrollment. Bylaw Based on SA’s full-time terms of enrollment. Before start of third year (5th semester): 40%. Before start of fourth year (7th semester): 60%. Before start of fifth year (9th semester): 80%. Fifth semester Seventh semester Ninth semester Entering first-year SA 40% 60% 80% 100% Degree Completion!
Percentage-of-Degree Calculation Bylaw Hours earned. (applicable to designated degree) Hours required. (based on designated degree) = % of degree
Case Study: Percentage-of-Degree Calculation 73 (degree applicable hours completed) 122 (degree hours required) = 59.8% This SA has not completed 60% of the degree. Do NOT round up for any PTD requirements.
Degree Credit Bylaw During SA’s first two academic years, credit-hour requirements may be satisfied with credit hours that apply toward ANY degree at the institution. At the start of third year of enrollment, all credits used to satisfy PTD credit-hour requirements must count toward designated degree, they must be “degree applicable”.
Degree Applicability But what is “degree applicability?” Hours completed must do BOTH to be considered degree applicable: Increase the number of degree applicable hours; AND Reduce the number of hours remaining to graduate.
Degree Applicable Hours = 48 Degree Applicability Hours earned that fit within degree. Numerator Denominator Minimum hours required to earn degree. Degree Applicable Hours = 48 Min. Hours Remaining = 72 120-hour degree
Case Study – Percent-of-Degree Same softball student-athlete as earlier. SA plans on declaring a Communications degree, 120 credits for graduation. When projecting for the Fall 2017 40% certification, should the student-athlete attend summer school? Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Summer 2016 6 credits 12 credits (3 remedial) 9 credits Fall 2016 Spring 2017 Summer 2017 ??
Progress-Toward-Degree Waivers Overall academic record shows deficiency is an anomaly for specific timeframe. Reasonable expectation for SA to graduate in five years (academic recovery plan). Mitigation : Evidence, supported by objective documentation of circumstances creating deficiency. Circumstance must tie to deficiency. “But for….” analysis.
Best Practices Broad-based participation. Include campus advisors, compliance, academic support, registrar, etc. Eligibility spreadsheet to provide overview by team (include specific details related to eligibility requirements). Individual eligibility folders for each SA to provide supporting documentation throughout academic career. Give projections, in writing, to coach, SA, etc.
DI 2-4 and 4-4 Transfers
Evaluating Transfers for Applicable Legislation Determining the start of initial full-time enrollment. Did the SA: Register as a full-time student for a regular term? AND Attends A class or classes on the first day. Bylaw
Evaluating Transfers for Applicable Legislation If yes to both, SA has triggered. Initial full-time enrollment; AND Use of a term for PTD purposes. Six-hour rule. 24-hour rule. 40/60/80.
Evaluating Transfers for Applicable Legislation Important things to remember: SA’s transcript does not necessarily tell the whole story. Knowing initial full-time enrollment sets the basis for more than just transfer and PTD. Start of five-year clock.
Evaluating Transfers for Applicable Legislation If not enrolled full-time, the other ways a SA can trigger transfer status. Reporting for regular squad practice. Prior to the beginning of a semester or quarter. Practiced or competed while enrolled less than full time; or Received institutional financial aid while attending a summer term. Bylaw 14.5.2
Evaluating Transfers for Applicable Legislation Possible to trigger transfer status without triggering initial full-time enrollment or a PTD term of enrollment. Use your resources when trying to find transfer status Google NCAA Eligibility Center Registrar National Student Clearinghouse
Types of Transfer Requirements Division I Transfers 2-4 Transfers 4-2-4 4-4
2-4 Transfers – Financial Aid, Practice and Competition Qualifier Minimum one full-time term attended. Average of 12 hours transferable per full-time term. 2.500 transferrable GPA Not a Qualifier Graduate from two-year college. Minimum of three full-time terms attended. Minimum 48-semester or 72- quarter hours transferable. Six/eight hours transferable English, three/four math, three/four science. 2.500 GPA on transfer credit.
2-4 Transfers – Financial Aid and Practice Qualifier Earns aid and practice via qualifier status. Not a Qualifier Graduate from two-year college. Minimum three full-time terms attended. Minimum 48-semester or 72- quarter hours transferable. Six/eight hours transferable English, three/four math, three/four science. 2.000 GPA on transfer credit.
2-4 Transfers Requirements Limit of two hours of physical education activity coursework.* Excess hours removed from transfer total AND GPA calculation. *See Physical education/education degree at certifying institution exception. 2-4 Transfers Requirements Qualifier Not a Qualifier
2-4 Transfer Not a Qualifier Hours Earned in the Summer Summer Limits. No more than 18/27 hours total. No more than nine/13.5 hours in the summer prior to transfer. Effects 48/72 core-course requirement.
Case Study 2-4 Nonqualifier Will be handed out to do in groups at tables.
4-2-4 Transfer Requirements - Qualifiers Bylaw 14.5.6 4-2-4 First four-year institution. Two-year institution. Graduate. Average of 12 hours per term of attendance at two-year institution. 2.500 GPA. Two physical education activity hours. Certifying four-year institution. One calendar year from first four-year prior to competition.
4-2-4 Transfer Requirements – Not a Qualifier Everything PLUS: 6 semester / 8 quarter hours of transferrable English 3 semester / 4 quarter hours of trasnferrable Math, 3 semester / 4 quarter hours of transferrable Science.
Best Practices 4-2-4 Monitor the calendar year elapse requirement from the four-year institution. Average of 12 credit hours must be earned at the two-year institution (part-time hours must transfer back). Different standard for qualifiers and nonqualifiers (core course requirements). Midyear transfers in baseball and basketball not eligible for competition immediately.
Four-Year Transfers 4-4 Transfer. One-time transfer exception and eligibility for aid. PTD at previous institution.
One-Time Transfer Exception Not available in baseball, basketball, BCS football and men’s ice hockey. Must have been academically eligible had he or she remained. Not required to have fulfilled necessary percentage of degree at the previous institution. Is required to be meeting percentage of degree requirements at the certifying institution. Bylaw
Eligibility for Institutional Athletics Aid Must have been academically eligible had he or she remained. Exceptions for nonsponsored sport at previous institution. Less than 14 days of countable athletically related activities at previous institution. Bylaw
Evaluating Transfer, Don’t forget PTD Transfer Requirements Six hours. 24-semester/36-quarter hours. 30-semester/42-quarter hours. Six hours and percentage. Bylaw
Committee for Legislative Relief 4-4 Transfer Waiver Directive Effective for SAs who transfer and enroll during the 2015-16 academic year and thereafter. Waivers of the transfer rules granting immediate eligibility will no longer be provided. Instead, waivers granting a one-year extension of the 5 year clock may be granted in cases where mitigating circumstances for the transfer are presented.
Best Practices Transcripts, transcripts, transcripts. All 2-4 transfer evaluation forms should include: science, PE and GPA. Limit offers of aid to transfers until a preliminary evaluation is complete (using transcripts). Provide a preliminary transfer evaluation in writing to the coaching staff and the SA.
Best Practices - continued Complete a final transfer evaluation in writing to the coaching staff and the SA before the SA triggers transfer status to the certifying institution. Be aware of the end dates of nontraditional coursework being completed by SA. Should be complete before SA triggers transfer. Registrar’s office has access to National Student Clearinghouse to verify prior enrollment at other institutions. Get read-only access to institutional database for transfer course equation.
Division I Academic Performance Program/ Overview
APP Ensure the Division I membership is dedicated to providing student-athletes: Exemplary educational and intercollegiate athletics experiences in an environment that recognizes and supports the academic mission of member institutions while enhancing ability to earn a four-year degree. Serve as an academic point of access to postseason competition. Bylaws 14.01.4 and 14.8
Results of Academic Reform
Total New Grads from 1995 – 2008: 16,565
Committee on Academics Duties: Administrative body and oversight of academics including APP. Oversee data collection process. Identify APP "cut" lines. Provide interpretations of APP legislation and policies. Bylaw 14.8
APP Data Collection GSR. Academic Performance Census (APC). NCAA Division I Academic Progress Rate (APR).
GSR More specific than Federal Graduation Rate. Includes transfers into an institution and midyear enrollees. Removes student-athletes who withdraw and would have been academically eligible to compete the next term had they returned. Calculated for every sport.
APC Annual compilation of academic performance variables (e.g., credit hours, grade-point average). Academic data used for NCAA research purposes. Data informs academic policies. Submitted online using the APP Data Collection Program. Collected in fall term with APR data.
APR Real-time rate, calculated term-by-term. Includes all student-athletes on a team in a given year (as opposed to entering class). Includes student-athletes receiving athletically related financial aid; or For nonscholarship programs/teams, a subset of recruited student-athletes. cont…
APR Points awarded for eligibility/graduation and retention. Totaled over most recent four years (cohort). Used in analysis for eligibility for postseason competition, APP penalties and public recognition of top academically performing teams.
Eligibility Certification APP PROCESS Eligibility Certification Data Review (If Selected) Data Submission Phase Correction/ Adjustment Phase Penalty Waiver Phase (14 calendar days to submit) Final Submit (email sent to chancellor or president)
APR Adjustments Discount lost APR point(s) for a term or terms from the denominator. May request adjustment to lost "E" point, lost "R" point or both. Requests are based on mitigation affecting individual student-athletes.
APP Penalties and Loss of Access to Postseason Competition Multi-year APR is used to determine access to postseason competition AND if team is subject to APP penalties. Three levels of penalties. Waivers available.
APP PENALTY STRUCTURE: THREE LEVELS Level One In-season CARA restriction (1 day and 4 hours replaced by academic support activities) Level Two loss of nonchampionship segment/spring football OR 10% reduction in season and contests Out-of-season CARA restriction ( 4 hours replaced by academic support activities ) + Level One elements Level Three Teams remain at Level Three until APR improves Penalties assigned off a menu of options Level One and Two elements
APR Benchmark Requirements to Avoid APP Penalties Year Penalty Will Be Taken Multiyear APR Required to Avoid APP Penalties Filters 2016-17 and beyond (All institutions) 930 or higher OR Level One = No filter Levels Two and Three = at least 950 average in 2 most recent years 2016-17 to 2020-21* (Limited Resource Institutions) All Penalty Levels** = Multiyear APR of at least 920; At least 940 average in 2 most recent years; OR 930 or higher in most recent single year * Team can use an LRI filter twice in five years beginning 2016-17. ** To access filters institution must have an APR Improvement Plan that meets criteria established by the Committee on Academics.
APR Benchmark Requirements to Avoid Loss of Access Postseason Championship / Postseason Year Multiyear APR Required to f Access Postseason Competition Filters 2016-17 and beyond (All institutions) 930 or higher OR First time below 930 = No filter Future failures to meet 930 = 950 or higher average in 2 most recent years 2016-17 to 2020-21* (Limited Resource Institutions) First time = GSR of at least 50% Any time** = Multiyear APR of at least 920; At least 940 average in 2 most recent years; OR 930 or higher in most recent single year * Team can use an LRI filter twice in five years beginning 2016-17. ** To access filters, institution must have an APR Improvement Plan that meets criteria established by the Committee on Academics.
APP Waivers Staff makes initial decision. Appeals to the Penalties and Appeals Subcommittee. Institution presents appeal via teleconference.
APR Improvement Plans APR Improvement Plans are meant to stimulate immediate improvements in team academic performance: Monitor and analyze each team's academic, retention and graduation performance; Identify critical issues impacting team’s academic performance; Develop initiatives to address the team's critical issues.
APR Improvement Plan Requirements Required for all teams under 930 multiyear APR. Must include element that assesses and evaluates team's academic admissions profiles and academic outcomes. Data analysis of team’s APR performance. Broad-based campus participation. Reviewed and approved by institution’s president or chancellor. Submitted via online database.