How you write and communicate is important! Freshman Grammar Plan How you write and communicate is important!
Even minor errors in punctuation and spelling can have extremely different meanings!
Grammar Concepts We will spend the year covering the following concepts: The Parts of Speech The Parts of a Sentence Nouns Capitalization and End Marks Pronouns Sentence Functions Verbs Subjects and Verbs Adjectives Direct and Indirect Objects Adverbs Subject Complements Prepositions Fragments and Run-ons Conjunctions Improving Sentences Interjections
For each grammar concept, we will spend approximately two weeks following this format: First step: Introduction & Diagnostic Test Second step: First Practice Sheet/Packet Third step: Second Practice Sheet/Packet Fourth step: Review Fifth step: Summative Assessment
First step: Introduction & Diagnostic Test Since students have various levels of mastery with grammar concepts, we will introduce each concept with a short pre-test. This is merely a means of assessing how well each student understands the concept before further instruction. It is NOT worth a grade, so it cannot hurt your overall English grades. Based on the 4.0 scale, if you score a 3.6-4.0, that shows you exceed the standards and do not need as much further instruction.
Second step: First Practice Sheet/Packet All students will complete this first practice sheet/packet over each grammar concept. This is designed to help every student practice the skills and help prepare for the summative assessment over the concepts. These will be assigned and checked later for a grade in the Daily Assignment category in Skyward (worth 10% of the overall grade).
Third step: Second Practice Sheet/Packet Based on your score on the Diagnostic Test will determine if you need to complete this second assignment. If your score was lower than 3.6, this shows that you could still use some extra help in mastering these concepts. These will be assigned and checked later for a grade in the Daily Assignment category in Skyward (worth 10% of the overall grade). If you do not have to complete this assignment, you may still have a copy to practice, but the score will be marked “No Count” in Skyward.
Fourth step: Review Before taking the summative assessment over the concept, we will do some sort of review. This may be a PowerPoint, a hands-on activity, or another option. It is in your best interest to participate so you can do your best on the summative assessment that will follow.
Fifth step: Summative Assessment After taking the pre-test, analyzing your scores, and completing one-two practice assignments, we will formally assess you on how well you understand the concepts. These tests will go in the 90% Summative Assessment category in Skyward. If a student does not do well on these assessments, there may be a way to revise and/or correct mistakes in order to improve your scores and grade.
Final Exams At the end of each semester, there will be grammar questions on the Final Exam over the concepts covered through these units. This will be one further step to assess your mastery of the grammar concepts covered throughout the year.