Consequences of using fossil fuel 4B Lo Ngai Chun 4C Chan Ka Wai Lee Ka Ho Yuen Ka Ming
Green House Effect Burning fossil fuel causes green house effect. Because of a rapid increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. This result in global warming with a rise in the average temperature of the Earth's surface. And the gases that cause greenhouse effect are called greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a major greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
Other greenhouse gases Methane (CH4) Chlorofluorocarbons CFCs (e.g.CCl3F) Nitrogen oxides (e.g.NO2) Ozone (O3)
Global warming-----------Man-made Causes Deforestation All living plants are capable of storing carbon, but as the number of plants on the planet declines, the amount of carbon dioxide free to build up in the atmosphere increases. Moreover, decaying plants give off stored carbon, thereby releasing a large abundance of carbon into the air during the clearing of forests or grasslands for building purposes. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations indicates that 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions can be traced to deforestation.
Fertilizing Fertilizer Use Each time humans add fertilizer to soil, nitrogen oxide escapes into the atmosphere. When it comes to atmospheric warming, a pound of nitrous oxide is 300 times worse than a pound of carbon dioxide, making fertilizer use in farming one of the leading causes of global warming
Mining Mining oil and coal allows methane, a greenhouse gas, to escape from the earth. Any time the soil is disturbed, stored gases make their way into the environment. According to theClean Air Task Force, eight percent of all methane emissions can be traced to coal mining. Most man-made causes of global warming result from an increase in greenhouse gases, which are gases that trap or absorb infrared radiation emitted from the planet.
Harmful effect of global warming Melting of ice at the North Pole and South Pole Average sea leavels in low-lying coastal areas. Climate change As the Earth gets warmer , there would be a climate change in different parts of the world. These changes would cause damage to agriculture and reduce the world's food supply. Putting the wildlife in danger Flooding and climte changes would put wildlife in danger
Harmful effect of global warming The planet is warming, from North Pole to South Pole, and everywhere in between. Globally, the mercury is already up more than 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius), and even more in sensitive polar regions. Some impacts from increasing temperatures are already happening. Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth’s poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and Arctic sea ice.
Harmful effect of global warming Sea level rise became faster over the last century. Some butterflies, foxes, and alpine plants have moved farther north or to higher, cooler areas. Precipitation (rain and snowfall) has increased across the globe, on average. Spruce bark beetles have boomed in Alaska. Thanks to 20 years of warm summers, the insects have chewed up 4 million acres of spruce trees.
Consequences • An environmental disaster is waiting to happen. Our world revolves around crude oil, and yet it is completely useless until it goes through several physical and chemical processes.
2. From nature and human activities on land. Oil spills occur by 1 When oil tankers have equipment faults. When oil tankers break down, it may get stuck on shallow land. However, although this form of oil spill is the most commonly known and has the highest media attention, only 2% of oil in water bodies is a result of this action. 2. From nature and human activities on land. The large majority of oil spilled is from natural seeps geological seeps from the ocean floor as well as leaks that occur when products using petroleum or various forms of oil are used on land, and the oil is washed off into water bodies.
Oil spills occur by 3. Drilling works carried out in sea. When drilling works carried out in the sea, the oil and petroleum used for such activities are released into the sea, thus causing an oil spill.
The effects of oil spills Such oil spills are considered forms of pollution. Oil spills also have highly adverse effects on the environment. These oil spills greatly affect animals, which may in turn sometimes lead to animals getting endangered. Animals may be affected because oil spills may cause hypothermia, inducing low body temperatures. Oil may also enter the lungs or livers of animals, in turn poisoning the animals. Oil may also kill animals by blinding them, affecting their natural predator prey instincts, resulting in which they will be unaware of their predators, and will eventually be preyed on.
The effects of oil spills oil spills affect small organisms. Oil spills affect small organisms living in the sea, such as plankton, and larval fish, as well as bottom- dwelling organisms like oysters, seaweed, mussels. When these organisms die due to the oil, this affects the food chain,. Fish who prey on these animals will have difficulty finding food, and may die. This will in turn affect their predators and so on.
The effects of oil spills Oil Spills also affect marine plants. The oil forms a thick layer on the water surface, and this layer blocks out light and prevents gaseous exchange. When this happens, not only will the plants not be able to photosynthesise, animals underneath the affected area will find that the supply of oxygen slowly diminishes, and is unable to be continuously replenished by the environment. When plants cannot photosynthesise, they eventually die, leading to a vicious effect on the food chain, ultimately affecting all animals.
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Source Spills-Impact-on-the-Ocean.html e_Main_Causes_of_Global_Warming ronment/global-warming/gw-effects/