January 13, 2017 10-10:30am- Advisory Committee 10:30am-12:00pm- General Meeting
Advisory Committee Meeting Introductions 2017 Calendar Proposed Changes Quarterly Advisory Committee Add an hour onto meetings to focus on facility specific discussion of new CMS emergency preparedness rule Home Health SNF/ICF Outpatient/Dialysis Hospital/ASC Review Executive Committee meeting agenda
January 13, 2017 10:30am-12:00pm- General Meeting
Agenda- General Meeting Updates Measles EMS Ambulance Transport Guidance for Facilities Executive Committee Meeting Review draft agenda Discus proposed topics Speakers needed Coalition member recognition Participation Records for 2016 New CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule Proposed training Roundtable Adjourn
EMS Agency will be reaching out to skilled nursing facilities to conduct trainings.
Proposed Topics New CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule How will the coalition help facilities/agencies meet the new requirements? One full scale exercise a year CalOSHA Violence in the Workplace Regulations Who is in/out? How does this fit in with your active shooter plan?
Need Coalition Members to speak Review 2016 Projects SNF Evacuation Exercise Airport Surge Exercise Active Shooter Training and Exercise Need Coalition Members to speak
Projects for 2017 Meet new CMS requirements SNF/ICF Evacuation Exercise 2017 Disaster Exercise (November) Medical Shelter Exercise Hazmat/Chempack by rail Exercise Evacuation Plan training Hospital Functional Evacuation Exercise
Coalition Member Recognition Help us select 1-2 coalition members for 2016 that exemplify an outstanding effort to prepare their agency/facility and support coalition partners in preparedness, and response efforts. Survey monkey will be used to nominate coalition members Please complete survey by February 3rd
Coalition Participation Records Meetings, trainings, agreement signed, plan reviewed etc. SNF Evacuation Exercise Active Shooter Exercise Please make sure you have submitted the following forms: After Action Form Status Report Will send out by final participation record for 2016 by the end of the month Please contact Stacey Rosenberger if you need a letter of participation
New CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule Proposed trainings Add an hour onto general meetings to focus on facility specific discussion of new CMS emergency preparedness rule Home Health SNF/ICF Outpatient/Dialysis Hospitals/ACS Additional Resources can be found on coalition webpage: http://cosb.countyofsb.org/phd/epp/
Executive Committee Meeting February 6th 1-3pm Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital – La Cumbre Conference Room Bring your executive!