Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy Thirteenth AP* Edition Edwards/Wattenberg/Lineberry Chapter 14 The Congress, the President, and the Budget: The Politics of Taxing and Spending Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 Bellringer 3/31 The federal income tax deduction for mortgage interest on an owner occupied home is an example of an A. tax rebate B. negative income tax C. federally guaranteed loan D. tax expenditure E. tax refund Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 Introduction Budget: A policy document allocating burdens (taxes) and benefits (expenditures) Deficit: An excess of federal expenditures over federal revenues Expenditures: What the government spends money on Revenues: Sources of money for the government Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Sources of Federal Revenue Generally, Americans want the government to balance the budget, maintain or increase the level of government spending, and keep taxes low. Three sources of federal revenues: Income tax Social insurance taxes Borrowing Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Sources of Federal Revenue Income Tax Shares of individual wages and corporate revenues The 16th Amendment permitted Congress to levy an income tax Taxes IRS accepts and analyzes income tax returns each year Reorganized and established as the IRS in the 1950s IRS commissioner and chief counsel selected by the President and confirmed by the Senate Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
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Sources of Federal Revenue Income Tax Individual taxes are the largest single revenue source for the government. Income tax is progressive: Those with more income pay higher rates of tax on their income. Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
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Sources of Federal Revenue Social Insurance Taxes Both employers and employees pay Social Security taxes. Money is deducted from employees’ paychecks and matched by their employers. These payments are earmarked for a specific purpose, the Social Security Trust Fund. Taxes for Medicare are also deduced from employees’ paychecks and matched by their employers OASDI: 6.2% HI: 1.45% Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Sources of Federal Revenue Borrowing The federal debt is the sum of all the borrowed money that is still outstanding. Debt Debt vs. Deficit The government does not have a capital budget. Purchases counted as current expenditures and run up the deficit Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Sources of Federal Revenue Federal Debt: all money borrowed over the years and still outstanding Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
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Sources of Federal Revenue Borrowing The government borrows money through the Treasury Department selling bonds Sell bonds, guaranteeing to pay interest to the bondholder The federal government has intragovernmental debt where the Treasury owes other government trust funds. Most federal borrowing is for day-to-day expenses, such as farm subsidies, military pensions, and aid to states and cities. Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
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Sources of Federal Revenue Taxes and Public Policy Tax Loopholes: tax breaks or benefits for a few people Tax Expenditures: revenue losses that result from special exemptions, exclusions, or deductions on federal tax law Benefit middle and upper income taxpayers and corporations Loopholes or support activities worth subsidizing Tax Reduction: the general call to lower taxes Tax Reform: rewriting the taxes to change the rates and who pays them Tax Reform Act of 1986—extensive tax reform Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
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Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 Federal Expenditures The policies and programs on which the government spends money change over time. Expenditures keep rising. Why are budgets large, where does the money go? Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 Federal Expenditures Big Governments, Big Budgets A big government requires lots of money. As the size of government increases, so does its budget. Broken down into Mandatory Discretionary Interest on debt Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
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Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 Federal Expenditures The Rise and Decline of the National Security State In the 1950s and 1960s the Department of Defense received more than half the federal budget. Defense now constitutes about one-sixth of all federal expenditures. Payrolls, pensions, veterans pensions, disability compensation, research, development, procurement of military hardware One reason for growth of government Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
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Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 Federal Expenditures The Rise of the Social Service State The biggest part of federal spending is now for income security programs. Social Security is largest program Social Security has been expanded since 1935 to include disability benefits and Medicare. These benefit programs face financial problems with more recipients living longer. Another reason for government growth Assistance vs. drain on federal funds Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 Federal Expenditures “Uncontrollable” Expenditures Spending determined by the number of recipients, not a fixed dollar figure Mainly entitlement programs where the government pays known benefits to an unknown number of recipients Social Security The only way to control the expenditures is to change the rules. Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
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Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 Federal Expenditures Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 Federal Expenditures Incrementalism The idea that last year’s budget is the best predictor of this year’s budget, plus some. Agencies can safely assume they will get at least what they got last year. Focus & debate on the increase over last year Constant call for budgetary reform Affected by groups with interests in taxes and expenditures Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 Bellringer Which of the following statements about the OMB is false? A. The OMB advises the president on budgetary matters B. The OMB is one of the few government agencies created by the Constitution C. The OMB supervises preparation of the federal budget. D. Government agencies send their budget estimates to the OMB E. none of the above Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
The Budgetary Process Budgetary Politics Process overview President submit budget proposal to Congress Congressional Budget Office (CBO) evaluates budget and submits a report to the Budget Committees. Budget committees proposes a budget resolution Both chambers must pass a budget that includes 13 major appropriation bills by October 1st.
The Budgetary Process Budgetary Politics Process overview Congress creates a new budget for our country every year, the appropriation process. Appropriation bills specify how much money will go to different government agencies and programs. Congress must also pass legislation that provides the federal government the legal authority to actually spend the money called authorization bills Authorizations often cover multiple years, so authorizing legislation does not need to pass Congress every year the way appropriations bills do.
The Budgetary Process Budgetary Politics Process overview Budget process is for annually appropriated programs because funding must be renewed each year to keep government agencies open and operating Discretionary spending because Congress has the discretion to set funding levels each year. Nearly all of the tax code and more than half of federal spending is ongoing. Mandatory spending because are not controlled by annual appropriations and authorization bills provide the authority for spending.
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 The Budgetary Process Budgetary Politics Process overview The President submits a budget request to Congress House and Senate pass budget resolution House and Senate Appropriations subcommittees "markup" appropriations bills House and Senate vote on appropriations bills and reconcile differences President signs each appropriation bill and the budget becomes law Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
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Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 The Budgetary Process Budgetary Politics Who is involved: Interest groups Media Public Executive staff and agencies Agencies submit budget requests to OMB OMB prepares president’s budget Congress President Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 The Budgetary Process The President’s Budget Presidents first played a limited role in the budget. Now budget requests are directed through the Office of Management and Budget and president before going to Congress. OMB: prepares budget and measures quality of programs and policies and if align with agenda of president. Budget tells congress what president recommends for fiscal policy Lays out president’s priorities Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 The Budgetary Process Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
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Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 The Budgetary Process Congress and the Budget Reforming the Process The Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974: an act designed to reform the congressional budgetary process Made Congress less dependent on president budget Removed presidential power of impoundment Required budget be considered as a whole It established the following: Fixed budget calendar A budget committee in each House The Congressional Budget Office Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 The Budgetary Process Congress and the Budget The Process: Step 1 Congress develops a resolution created by budget committees. Resolution sets limits on how much Congress is supposed to spend in broad areas Not a true bill Supposed to be completed by April 15th Other congressional committees that can propose legislation directly providing or changing spending and taxes Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 The Budgetary Process Congress and the Budget The Process: Step 2 Appropriation Committees determine precise levels of allowed spending for discretionary programs Subcommittees come up draft of appropriation bill abiding by spending limits set in the resolution. Goes to Appropriation Committee for review The Process: Step 3 House and Senate vote on appropriation bills and reconcile any differences. The Process: Step 4 President must sign each appropriation bill after Congress has passed it to become law. When the president has signed all 12 appropriation bills the budget is complete. GAO will monitor, audit, and evaluate what agencies are doing with their budget. Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 The Budgetary Process Congress and the Budget Reforming the Process Congress may use a procedure known as reconciliation as a deficit reduction tool, to force committees to produce spending cuts or tax increases. Authorizations are revised to achieve savings. If Congress does not complete action on an appropriations bill before the start of the fiscal year on October 1, it must pass, and the President must sign, a continuing resolution Continuing resolution: when Congress cannot reach agreement and pass appropriation bills, these resolutions allow agencies to spend at the level of the previous year. Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 The Budgetary Process Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 The Budgetary Process Congress and the Budget The Success of the 1974 Reforms Between 1974 and 1998, every budget was a deficit budget. Congress misses most of its own deadlines. Omnibus budget bills often contain policies that cannot pass on their own. Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 The Budgetary Process Annual Federal Deficits (Figure 14.6) Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 The Budgetary Process Congress and the Budget More Reforms Congress enacted the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act to try and reduce annual budget deficits. Mandated maximum allowable deficits levels and if Congress failed to meet deficit goals sequestrations were ordered. In the 1990s shift to focus on controlling spending. Any new spending in domestic, defense, and international required a decreased elsewhere within the category. Budget surpluses began in 1997. Economic downturn, income tax cuts, and increased military expenditures brought a return to deficits by 2001. Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Understanding Budgeting Democracy and Budgeting Many politicians “spend” money to buy votes. With many groups and people asking for government assistance, the budgets get bigger. Some politicians compete by trying not to spend money. People like government programs, but they really do not want to pay for them, thus there are deficits and federal debt. Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Understanding Budgeting The Budget and the Scope of Government In sum, the budget represents the scope of government. The bigger the government, the bigger the budget Limits on funding (taxes) can limit what the government can do. Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008
Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008 Summary Federal budget consumes one-fifth of GDP Government growth has meant higher taxes to pay for additional services, often through deficit spending. The budgetary process is complex. The budget is used, some argue, to buy votes, leading to an ever larger government. Pearson Education, Inc., Longman © 2008