MTCP2 SEA+China Sub-Regional Steering Committee (SRSC) Meeting: Summary of Agreements
Suggested Case Study Outline Executive Summary Brief summary of the study including the main objectives of the study and the key findings and conclusion 2.Introduction / Context Rationale of the study Objectives of the study Methodology used in the study Scope of the study 3. Main Discussion Country Situationer related to the topic Presentation of data Discussion of key findings 4.Conclusion (with preferential lens/ perspective from farmers) 5.Analysis and Recommendations Policy recommendation for government Recommended actions for FOs and other CSOs *Important Annexes : FGD guide questions used ; name of persons interviewed; references
Agreements In terms of FOs engaged in MTCP2 Total number of all national FOs Targetted number of FO that will be given priority e.g. beans & rice; FNN and CEFAP; IFAD areas in Vietnam In terms of capacity building support to FOs Balancing of common needs and specific need that can be supported by MTCP2 Common training Support fund to FOs to carry-out specific/priority organizational training needs to respond to their target organizational Growth Level
Harmonized tools and Timeframe Common Tools Frequency / Time-frame for Submission Updated PO Profile June PO organizational Growth tool Baseline and Target: May Assessment: December and January FO Counterpart form Every activity Case Study Outline As needed Registry of Counterpart from Partners Quarterly Statement of Expenditure Every request of fund Revised AWPB February 21
Narrative and Financial Report Reporting Period Narrative Report Financial Report /SOE First Quarter March 15: Philippines & Indonesia April 15: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar No financial report needed except if 75% of 1st tranche has been used up Second Quarter June 15: Philippines & Indonesia July 15: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar Financial report covering the 1st tranche amount is needed before release of 2nd tranche Third Quarter September 15: Philippines & Indonesia October 15: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar Financial report needed may be submitted if 75% of second tranche has been used up Fourth Quarter December 15, 2014: Philippines & Indonesia January 15, 2015: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar * Together with Annual report and 2015 AWPB Financial report covering the 2nd tranche Last tranche will be released only after submission of 4th qrtr report and 2015 AWPB
Admin and Finance Policy Key Policy Area Proposed Policy Remarks 1. DSA Sub-regional activities within SEA+China $ 15 meal allowance for unsponsored meal plus all expenses will be covered plus NIA budget to decide on how to cover incidentals e.g fixed allowance to be decided by NSC DSA for National activities -to be decided by the NSC but not more than $20 /day 2. Insurance Get information/data on the cost Some options: Optional/ Depends on the country Any risk during sub-regional event to be covered by SRIA fund For Further discussion 3. Counterpart For every activity, request farmer participants to sign a local counterpart form to acknowledge their daily wage lost for attending the activity (see form) Registry of Local counterparts shall also be maintained to record contribution from partners Target local counterpart: 20% of the total budget received 4. Budget realignment Realignment by category can be done not more than 10%, beyond 10% needs approval Realignment within the category can be beyond 10% without approval needed Deadline of submission of revised/realigned AWPB: February 21
Sub-regional Common Actions Communication and KM support (e-mail, e-bulletin, blog, ifad-asia, Sub-regional farmer Learning Exchange/study tour SEWA Women Agri-enterpreneurship Training c/o (SEWA TA) Training on value chain Organizational and leadership development Land, water and seed Sub-regional policy case study Land,water and seed /gmo Legal framework for Farmers’ Organization Sub-regional dialogue Donor’s forum (c/o ASIADHRRA TA) ASEAN and FAO on Food Security and farmers’ participation in regional processes (c/o FAORAP TA)