Iraq NHDR III: Youth Project Components Report Implementation Organization Structure Report Structure The components of the strategy include the following: Capacity Building To use recent methodologies in the computation of the indicators To lead the NHDR preparation process: Resources administer the knowledge networks strategic planning project implementation Impact evaluation NGOs: Consultative process that is beyond the government structure: youth networks NGOs: Advocacy Consultations Aim at a wide spectrum of participation from various sectors of society Have access to a wider pool of expertise The Steering Committee will ensure effective participation of the government institutions NGOs will work to engage various sectors of the society, especially the youth to be represented in the process UNDP and the UNCT will be part of the advisory and knowledge network Build on and expand the existing network of HDR national experts who participated in the preparation of the previous report Focus on youth networks for engagement and representation Reviews will include teams from various backgrounds, both national and international Advocacy For the process: to support the consultation process raise awareness and generate dialogue aim towards a broad cast: reach out to potential constituencies which include: political leaders, ministry officials, parties and opposition, parliamentarians, educators and students, youth, civil society, private sector leaders and trade unions, media, personalities in art and entertainment, the public in general For the product: Sustain the messages of the report beyond the launch event and promote its influence on national development action Gender Mainstreaming Product: Build on the previous report standard Highlight gender disparities and provide the analysis for the imbalance Provide gender-dissaggregated data Process: Gender balance at the policy level Balance at the technical level Balance in the consultations Balance in the outreach Statistics and Data Availability of recent surveys UNFPA supported Youth Perceptions study Iraq Knowledge Network Study Aligning with the HDRO in the sources used for computing the indicators United Nations Development Programme Iraq
Iraq NHDR III Project Components Policy Papers Communication Strategy Iraq NHDR III: Youth Project Components Iraq NHDR III Policy Papers Communication Strategy Advocacy Awareness raising HD Curriculums HD/Youth Networks The components of the strategy include the following: Capacity Building To use recent methodologies in the computation of the indicators To lead the NHDR preparation process: Resources administer the knowledge networks strategic planning project implementation Impact evaluation NGOs: Consultative process that is beyond the government structure: youth networks NGOs: Advocacy Consultations Aim at a wide spectrum of participation from various sectors of society Have access to a wider pool of expertise The Steering Committee will ensure effective participation of the government institutions NGOs will work to engage various sectors of the society, especially the youth to be represented in the process UNDP and the UNCT will be part of the advisory and knowledge network Build on and expand the existing network of HDR national experts who participated in the preparation of the previous report Focus on youth networks for engagement and representation Reviews will include teams from various backgrounds, both national and international Advocacy For the process: to support the consultation process raise awareness and generate dialogue aim towards a broad cast: reach out to potential constituencies which include: political leaders, ministry officials, parties and opposition, parliamentarians, educators and students, youth, civil society, private sector leaders and trade unions, media, personalities in art and entertainment, the public in general For the product: Sustain the messages of the report beyond the launch event and promote its influence on national development action Gender Mainstreaming Product: Build on the previous report standard Highlight gender disparities and provide the analysis for the imbalance Provide gender-dissaggregated data Process: Gender balance at the policy level Balance at the technical level Balance in the consultations Balance in the outreach Statistics and Data Availability of recent surveys UNFPA supported Youth Perceptions study Iraq Knowledge Network Study Aligning with the HDRO in the sources used for computing the indicators United Nations Development Programme Iraq
Report Implementation Iraq NHDR III: Youth Report Implementation Theme Selection Resource Mobilization Building the Team Training and Orientation Communication Strategy Preparatory Stage (2011) United Nations Development Programme Iraq
Report Implementation Iraq NHDR III: Youth Report Implementation Research First Full Draft External Review Final Draft Research and Writing (-> Nov 2012) United Nations Development Programme Iraq
Presentation and Design Iraq NHDR III: Youth Report Implementation Consistency Check Translation Presentation and Design Printing Production (-> end 2012) United Nations Development Programme Iraq
Report Implementation Iraq NHDR III: Youth Report Implementation Media and Communication Launch and Outreach Strategy Marketing and Dissemination Monitoring and Assessing Impact Advocacy and Follow up (Dec 2012 - >) United Nations Development Programme Iraq
Organization Structure Iraq NHDR III: Youth Organization Structure Advisory Committee Steering Committee HDRO/ESCWA/RBAS/RCC UNDP Ministry of Planning UNCT CSO Int. Consultants National Coordinator Review Groups Implementing Agent Nat. Project Manager Authors NGOs United Nations Development Programme Iraq
Organization Structure Iraq NHDR III: Youth Organization Structure Responsible Partner: (Independent Research Institution) Steering Committee Youth Consultation, Participation, and Advocacy Advisory Committee National Coordinator Author Team CSO Youth Team Project Team Background Papers Meetings/FGD Chapters: First Draft Chapters: First Draft International Consultant Final Draft United Nations Development Programme Iraq
Organization Structure Iraq NHDR III: Youth Organization Structure Official Youth Network Review Production Launch Lobby / Advocacy Dissemination United Nations Development Programme Iraq
Report Structure Iraq NHDR III: Youth Introduction Background History of Preparation Linkages with Previous Report Status of HD in Iraq Political Social Economic Security HD Measurement HDI MPI …. Trends Conceptual Framework Age groups … Youth Themes Recommendations Annexes Statistical Tables Technical Note The components of the strategy include the following: Capacity Building To use recent methodologies in the computation of the indicators To lead the NHDR preparation process: Resources administer the knowledge networks strategic planning project implementation Impact evaluation NGOs: Consultative process that is beyond the government structure: youth networks NGOs: Advocacy Consultations Aim at a wide spectrum of participation from various sectors of society Have access to a wider pool of expertise The Steering Committee will ensure effective participation of the government institutions NGOs will work to engage various sectors of the society, especially the youth to be represented in the process UNDP and the UNCT will be part of the advisory and knowledge network Build on and expand the existing network of HDR national experts who participated in the preparation of the previous report Focus on youth networks for engagement and representation Reviews will include teams from various backgrounds, both national and international Advocacy For the process: to support the consultation process raise awareness and generate dialogue aim towards a broad cast: reach out to potential constituencies which include: political leaders, ministry officials, parties and opposition, parliamentarians, educators and students, youth, civil society, private sector leaders and trade unions, media, personalities in art and entertainment, the public in general For the product: Sustain the messages of the report beyond the launch event and promote its influence on national development action Gender Mainstreaming Product: Build on the previous report standard Highlight gender disparities and provide the analysis for the imbalance Provide gender-dissaggregated data Process: Gender balance at the policy level Balance at the technical level Balance in the consultations Balance in the outreach Statistics and Data Availability of recent surveys UNFPA supported Youth Perceptions study Iraq Knowledge Network Study Aligning with the HDRO in the sources used for computing the indicators United Nations Development Programme Iraq