Union to Union Agreements to Improve Working and Living Promoting Union to Union Agreements to Improve Working and Living Conditions for Migrant Workers December 2010 to May 2011 Follow Up Work Plan – Philippines Antonio Asper, FFW; Luther Calderon, PTGWO
Background and Justification The Philippine Report identifies two gaps in trade union actions to promote decent work for migrant workers. One of these gaps is the use of Union to Union Agreements between Philippine Unions and Unions in Destination Countries, to unionize, negotiate and influence policies in favour of migrant workers. Philippine Unions have developed competences in promoting decent work in its four aspects: employment, rights at work, social dialogue and social protection. This could be applied in promoting better living and working conditions for migrant workers.
Target Groups and Parties Involved Target Groups: Domestic Workers, workers in building and construction, nurses and caregivers, factory workers Parties: Unions (FFW, PTGWO-PAMWA); DOLE; POEA; OWWA; DFA-OMWA; SSS, PHIC; HMDF; Unions in Destination Countries:; ITUC, UNI, IUF; BWI
Objectives: A Resolution is adopted by the Governing Board of the Proponent Parties (FFW, TUCP-PTGWO-PAMWA) to seek, negotiate and enter into an agreement with counterpart unions in destination countries, using the Model Trade Union Agreement on Migrant Workers’ Rights . A Policy and Program of Action is adopted during the National Convention (Highest Authority of the Unions) to engage in Union to Union Agreements on Protecting and Promoting the Rights and Interests of Migrant Workers
Work Plan Objective 1: A Resolution is Passed by the Governing Board Activities Time-lines Focal Person or Unit Resources Needed Budget 1. Briefing of Executive Officers on the results of the ILO/ITC/KOILAF Workshop Dec 2010 Participant to Workshop Office equipments and supplies Piggy back on regular meetings 2. Prepare and submit draft resolution to the Governing Body for their Study January 2011 same Not necessary 3. Meeting and adoption of Resolution President/ Gen Sec Meeting Venue; F&B PHP 50,000.00 4. Review of Plans and Initial contacts with Unions in DC Dec. 2010 To Feb 2011 Union Intl Dept. Communica-tion eqpts. none
Work Plan, continued Objective 2: A Policy and Program of Action is Passed by the General Assembly Activities Time-lines Focal Person or Unit Resources Needed Budget 1. Five FGDs of randomly selected local affiliates on the GB policy and proposed PPOA Jan to March Education & Training Dept Venue, F & F, Office Supplies, Resource Persons PHP 50,000.00 2. Consolidation of FGD results and preparation of revised PPOA April Same same none 3. Preparation of Draft PPOA and inclusion in the agenda of the General Assembly Executive Officers Office 4. Discussion and adoption of the proposed PPOA May General Assembly Piggy back to regular General Assembly